betrayal | adam ruzek

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18. "leave me alone"
19. "i'm so, so sorry"
a.n: hope you like it :)
warnings: mentions of cheating, angst
you never thought he'd be one to cheat, but you knew something was up, you just didn't know exactly what it was.

you come home and he's pacing in the living room.

"i need to tell you something" he says as you come into the living room.

you can already feel your heart beating faster, those words are never the start to a good conversation.

you nod your head and wait for him to say something. he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, he had been practicing how to tell you, but there wasn't an easy way to say it, "i slept with hailey" he rushes out. he didn't see a point in beating around the bush, he thought it would be easier to just say it straight out, rip it off like a bandaid

with those 4 words your heart sinks to your stomach. you stand there, staring at him with your mouth slightly open, you can't possibly believe he'd ever hurt you this way.

he steps towards you, but you step back and shake your head.

"i'm so, so sorry" he says, his vision getting teary eyed

"you're sorry?" you scoff, "sorry isn't gonna fix this" you say.

"it was a mistake, we didn't mean for it to hap-" he tries to explain, but you cut him off.

"just stop, i've heard all the excuses before" you say as tears start gathering in your eyes. you didn't want to hear why or how it happened, not yet.

you turn around and head straight for the door, but he grabs your hand. you shake him off, "don't touch me, just leave me alone"

you notice the tears in his eyes and for a second you feel bad, but then you remember he's the reason why you're in this situation in the first place.

you turn around and walk out of the apartment, slamming the door on the way out. you lean against the door and try to take deep breath, but it just hurts so much. you shake your head, like you're trying to clear your mind, and walk down the hallway and into your car, trying to fight back tears until you get to your car.

adam stands on the other side of the door and finally lets the tears roll down his cheeks, he just lost one of the most important people in life, and it's all his fault.

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