comfort | greg "mouse" gerwitz

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• requested: Can you do the #3 fluff prompt for Mouse. where the cop!reader sits on his lap while he finishes working? Like maybe tie that in with the angst prompt that's "no no- it's alright come here" after she has a really scary day at work. Thanks in advance!
• prompts: 3. c'mere, you can sit in my lap until i'm done working"
7. "no no- it's alright, come here"
• a.n: this is one of my favorite prompts
it was a close call today. you were held at gunpoint by the offender, but jay took him out, right in the head, from on top of the opposite building.

you could still hear the sound of the offenders' gun cocking into place, but then the sound of a sniper gun shooting off and the blood splattering everywhere, including on you.

when you got back to the district, all you wanted to do was to shower, afterwards you just wanted to be with mouse. jay was gonna tell mouse what happened, but you wanted to be the one to tell him.

everyone was headed to Molly's, but mouse still had stuff to work on so you stayed behind with him. you headed down to the room he occasionally works in, knowing he'd be there.

you knock on the door to let your presence be known. he turns around and smiles once he sees you, and then he goes back to typing on the computer.

"why aren't you at molly's with the rest?" he asks

you shrug, "had a rough day, just wanted to stay with you"

he spins around on the revolving chair, "c'mere, you can sit in my lap until i'm done working" he says with a dash of concern in his voice

you walk over until you're standing right in front of him, "sorry i'm interrupting you from wo-" he cuts you off

"no no- it's alright, come here" he says as he takes your hands and pulls you onto his lap.

he leans you back against his chest and you get comfortable, snuggling into his chest.

"what happened?" he asks softly as he rubs your arms.

you shake your head, "i promise i'll tell you later, i just want to sit here for a while" you sigh and you close your eyes.

"i'll be here when you're ready" he smiles.

you didn't realize you had fallen asleep until you lazily opened your eyes and saw mouse was carrying you out the door and to the car. "it's okay, go back to sleep" he whispers, and you do.

next time your eyes open, mouse was laying you down on the bed and you were too tired to change, but luckily you were already wearing joggers and a sweatshirt you put on after showering earlier. it was the extra set of clothes you kept in your locker just in case, and it was a good thing too because your regular clothes had gotten blood on them.

you feel mouse's side of the bed dip as he lays down and you immediately turn into his side. his arms wrap around your waist and your head settles on his chest.

mouse wanted to know what happened and he was tempted to ask Jay, but he knew you'd tell him when you were ready. he respected that. all he could do right now was be here for you and be patient.

you're gonna tell him about what happened tomorrow morning, but right now all you want it to continue sleeping, feeling so safe in his arms.

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