New Lifestyle

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I didn't go to school for a good week. We sorted things out with my mother, she was authorized by a doctor to be sent to a facility that will help her.
I saw the lady who was working with my case, she seemed careful and nice. She got my information down. My father on the other hand, has to do a year of angermanagnent classes in order to get back custody of me.
Which hurts but he said he was going to do it. He gets put of jail next week.
Until than, Tezhaun's mom is going to be my legal guardian. I don't have a problem with it, I just wish I could live with my dad.
My dad may have been difficult and made mistakes, but I still loved him. He always took care of me, he treated me in a caring way. Even when it was tough love. He was way more loving than my mother has ever been to me.
Tezhaun has to leave by the end of October. It is so close to Halloween, I haven't even noticed till now.

I placed everything down in the room I'll be staying in. I put everything in place as Tezhaun came in, "Need any help babygirl?" I chuckled and shook my head. "No, I'm putting my clothes away that's all." He chuckled laying on the bed where my bag laid along with some books. He looked through them as a small smile crossed his face, "You still write lyrics?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and shrugged. "Last time was last year," he looked at me and shook his head. "Anjelic you know that your lyrics hit hard, right?" I shrugged. "Girl I will slap you." He replied as he closed the book. I chuckled, "You won't." He smiled and chuckled, "You don't know that." I rolled my eyes, I finished hanging my clothes up in the closet. "Where's your mom?" He yawned and said "She said she's picking up Ryan." I looked at Tezhaun. "Oh jeez, Ryan?" Tezhaun chuckled. "Yes. Ryan. He's staying with us too,"
I chuckled trying to remember the last time I saw Ryan for myself. Which was a pain and weird as fuck.
"I know your not exactly on the same page with him," I chuckled. "Not exactly, he's too cocky for me and is very perverted. What do you expect from me?"
Tezhaun chuckled, "What teenage guy isn't?" I rolled my eyes. "Just saying, if he does anything or tries. He will be dickless." Tezhaun chuckled as he walked over to help me adjust the dresser. "I just think he likes you but yanno, Aidan was in the way." I cringed slightly at the thought, "No I think he just wanted a hookup." We finished adjusting it as I placed the books that were on my bed and placed them on the dresser. Tezhaun helped grabbing the rest. "Yazzie, chill okay?" I shrugged focusing more on the books. "Yazzie." He said again, "Whaat." I said finally. "Promise not to be a dick to him?" I sighed and nodded. "Promise?" I rolled my eyes, "Fiiiine."
We heard his mom yell downstairs, "I'm home!" We both finished quickly and went downstairs. I saw Ryan, he came in through the door, he changed. Didnt expect his appearance to what it is now.
I walked slowly to Tezhaun's mom, she hugged me. "Hey sweeties, you remember Ryan, right?" I nodded giving a slight closed mouth smile.
"Yeaaaah." I said, at this point I didn't know how to react or act.
He gave a slight smirk when he looked at me. He carried his own stuff as he held out his hand, "Hey" I cocked an eyebrow and shook his hand hesitantly. "Hey.."
Tezhaun looked at us both. It was slightly quiet until his mother said, "Tezhaun help him with his stuff and Anjelic sweet. Please show Ryan to the room he's staying in." I nodded and gave a closed mouth smile again, I released his hand. "Come on, Its this way."
I walked up stairs as he followed, I got to his room. I opened the door as I walked to the side to let him.take his stuff in, it was empty with one bed set up along with a desk and a dresser. He set his stuff on his bed, "This is the room, mine is just across and Tezhaun's is next to yours. Miss Manson is downstairs." I said using hand gestures. I felt stupid. "If you need anything, you can ask me, Tezhaun, or his mom." I said, he looked at me. I hated the silence, it creeped me out and made me anxious. He had a grin and I shifted, "Okay weirdo." I said walking out. I heard him chuckle as I did, i shook my head as Tezhaun walked up the stairs. He narrowed his eyes at me and mouthed, 'Be nice.'

I don't know how this will go honestly.

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