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He stared at me then looked at the girl he was with. "Um go ahead, ill catch up later." He said to her, before she nodded she kissed his cheek and walked off.

Did that before. I thought.

She left and he turned towards me. "What is it? Thought you wanted me out of your life?" He said. "Aidan, I didn't mean to. I really wasn't in the mood to talk. Yeah" he sighed cutting me off, "Especislly to someone you once loved."

I took a deep breath, "Aidan Im a asshole. I have been throughout our entire relationship. But having you leave me was the biggest regret i have. I-" he cut me off again, "Ive heard this before and believed every single word you said. Yet you fuck it up again, especially with Jadon. Psh I shouldve fucking known something was going on."

I looked at him, kinda pissed off "Okay , Stop Aidan.-" he cut me off "No you stop, you fucked up. You fucked up many times and i forgave you because I loved you.-"

"No stop, i may have admitted to liking Jadon but i never did shit with him. Straighten your facts up." I cut him off before he finished his sentence.
"You could be fucking lying, for all i care you couldve done shit I dont know about." I looked at Aidan the way his words sunk in and spilled out was full of hurt and feeling hidden for a long time.

I couldn't listen to him anymore so i kissed him. Yeah i kissed him, it was a way of telling him to shut up in a nice way.

When I did. The problem was he kissed back. He didnt fight back or push me away. I could tell he missed it just as much as I did.
I felt the familiar warmth pressing against me. It felt right, i melted completely he gripped my waist along with deepening the kiss than before.

The kiss was rough and it was like we were hungry for each other. It felt like it was us again. I missed this.

We pulled away from each other, he didnt push me away, or release me. He held me. His arms wrapped around my torso, as for I had my arms wrapped around his neck. We looked at each other.

"I want you back...." i said to Aidan. He looked at me and hugged me.
He said in my ear, 'I want you back too..."

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