Chapter 6 (New)

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While the others were watching Thorin I managed to catch the look passed between Balin and Gandalf. I couldnt quite interpret it but it didn't look good. "Thorin?" I ask getting his attention quietly as everyone begins to settle for the night.

"What?" He asks and from the poorly hidden sharpness in his voice i gathered he didn't agree with Gandalf's choice of burgalers.

"I'll take first watch." I say. Not offering but telling him and either way he didnt care.

"Fine. Bofur.

"You have second watch. Dori..." He says continuing down the list as I walk to my bedroll near the fire.

Most everyone went to bed rather quickly but a few stragglers remained awake. Fili and Kili linger around the fire with me in silence before they finally meet my eyes.

"I'm sorry." Fili says first, Kili echoing and I can hear the sincerity in their voices.

"We didn't mean..." Kili begins with Fili finishing his words. "We didn't mean to hurt you."

"I know boys." And I could see how uncomfortable they were so i gave them a small smile. "Im not one to hold grudges."

I hear Bilbo snort and look sharply in his direction. "Shut it Baggens." I hiss then turn back to the boys. "In this case that it im not holding a grudge. Just dont joke about other people's deaths." They both nod solomnly. Fili looking deep in thought. Kili keeping his eyes downward as they head to sleep.

I stay awake going between pacing and stoaking the fire. Leaving it big enough to stay plenty warm on the wind chilled night. We were on a rather good out crop and against a solid wall of rock to thankfully help in shielding us from the wind. There was a full moon tonight so it was bright enought to see and I've got to admit it was peaceful. The brighter stars shining even with the moon and as the night went on clouds came and went.

I knew it was time to wake Bofur for his watch but I wasn't tired so i let him sleep. I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight anyway. Not with the memory of the orc raid, the night my mother died, still audible in my mind. Some nights I was able to forget but not tonight. Not with those screams from earlier echoing through my thoughts.

Just a few hours before sunrise Bofur abruptly sits up startling me from my stareing at the fire. He looks up at the sky confused and then over at me sharply. "Lass." He whispers in complaint before getting up and coming to sit beside me at the fire. "It is well past the time of my watch." He almost scolds but I only shrug.

"Cant sleep so I might as well let the rest of you." I tell him as I look to the other sleeping dwarves.

I could tell Bofur wanted to object but something in my expression made him change his words. His eyes cautious but curious. "Was it the orcs?" He asks quietly and I realize hes weary of my reaction.

"No." I tell him shaking my head as I stare into the fire. "I've dealt with too many orcs. I'm not afraid of them enough to lose sleep over them. It's the memories really." When I catch the sadness in his eyes I hurry to continue not wanting to deal with those thoughts. It's always best to avoid them if I can. "Dont worry. This just happens sometimes, the staying awake. My longest was 4 days but I never want to do that again." I say with a laugh. "I function perfectly fine on 2 days with no sleep." When I catch his worried and skeptical expression I sigh. "I'll sleep tomorrow." How could he say so much with just one look? "I won't be on watch then so I can sleep."

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