Chapter 9

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Bofur grabs my shoulders and pushes me against the wall. His hands on either side of my face. He looks at me for a moment, his eyes filled with hurt and anger, mine filled with tears. Then he kisses me roughly and desperately.

I cup his face and kiss him back just as desperately. I feel tears stream down my face.

We stay like that for a moment holding on to each other for dear life then he pulls out of the kiss and places his hands against the wall on either side of my face.

"I wasn't done." He growls. Anger still in his eyes. His eyes soften as he wipes away my tears. "Like I said. Lord Elrond is right. There will be a day where you will leave me behind. Do you honestly think I would rather leave you now than loose you later?" He asks.

"Yes." I whimper.

"You are so very wrong my love." he kisses me gently as if I'm made of glass. Then He narrows his eyes. "How old do you think I am Y/N?"

I look at him for a moment. "I dunno, 50?" I guess.

His body shakes against mine as he laughs. "Oh my dear Y/N! Dwarves age very slowly. A dwarf will look 100 when he is 250. If a dwarf looks 50 then..." He trails off letting me work it out.

I quickly do the math and my eyes widen. "Are...are you 125?" I ask in shock.

"Yes." He laughs again. "I had realized what Elrond told you long ago. I asked Bilbo how old you were he said he wasn't sure just that you were younger than him. That you had just passes the age where you would be considered an adult to the other hobbits." Bofur tells me.

"I'm 26..." I say.

"If you die before me, Y/N, I will not have long without you." He kisses me again. "And I do plan on spending the rest of my life with you."

"I love you... Bofur." I whisper into his ear and send goosbumps up his arms.

He smiles happily. "I love you too, Lassie." He kisses me once more then pulls away and steps back from me. "We should head to supper."

I nod and skip ahead of him a little bit then slow to a walk and sway my hips as I walk. Bofur grabs my hips and pulls me against him. He bruses my braid aside and kisses my neck. Then whispers in my ear, his voice thick with lust, "Don't do that Y/N."

I moan as I feel him pressed against my back and hear his voice. I turn to face him and he presses me up against the walk again. He trails kisses from by neck to my lips.

"I cannot seem to get enough of you." He murmurs against my lips. I moan again as I here these words. Then he pulls away from me, and I whimper at the loss of contact. "Lassie......" Bofur says with a smile. "Would you like to finish this later?"

"Oh, god yes!" I say with a smile. Bofur laughs and we walk to supper hand in hand.

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