Chapter 7 (New)

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He seemed to be mullified and pulled a pipe out of his jacket. "Yeh know yeh're safe with us right?" He asks after a few moments of silence and I surprisingly find that I like his voice.

"I know." I tell him with a smile. "As safe as we can be that is. I mean we'll still have to face a dragon in the end." I say light heartedly. It was hardly a worry for now.

"Aye." He replied a puff of smoking billowing into the air. "Why'd yeh come along?" Curious again.

"Adventure of course." I tell him with a big smile then say half jokingly. "The talents of a Took are wasted in the Shire."

"Im sure." He laughs quietly then looks to my outstretched hand in momentary confusion before I point to his pipe. He just shrugs with a smile and hands it over.

I take a drag holding it in as i hand back the pipe. Then with an exhale I manage to blow a few smoke rings before they blew away humming approvingly. "My da used to bring pipeweed back from his travels. Some just like that." I tell him with a smile.

"It's from the Blue Mountains." And by the fondness in his voice I assume that is his home. "He must travel fairly far." He comments.

I laugh and shrug. "What can i say. We like trouble."

"Aye what's life without a little trouble?" He jokes and when he catches my yawn he gives me a pointed look. "Yeh're tired lass admit it." When i stay silent he gives me a little nudge towards my bedroll. "Im awake now. You can rest. At least lay down."

"Fine." I say grumpily but do as he says looking up to the stars. I have always loved them. "Look." I tell him pointing up. "Do you see those 7 stars in the arch?"

"Aye." He says and i look over at him with a smile only to find him already watching me.

"Do you know those stars?" I ask and by his expression I could tell he didn't. He shakes his head and I look back up to the stars still smiling excited to tell him. Not all that surprised as dwarves dont much like the stars. "That is Durin's crown."

"Really?" He asks his voice shocked and awed. Looking up to the skin is face lit up in a smile. After watching the stars for a while he begins to hum quietly and i slip off to sleep.

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