Chapter 20 (Final Chapter of Part 1)

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"That looks like fun!" I say with a smile, talking to no one or anyone who hears.

"I guess were about to find out." I hear Fili say.

"What?" I turn to him and ask. But my question is answered as were are picked up by and eagle. One of us in each claw. It carries us like that for a moment then we're falling.

I close my eyes and scream then smack my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming. I really don't like falling...

I hit against something hard and hear an "oomph". I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm on the back of an eagle and I landed on top of Fili. Kili just glaring at Fili likes he's jealous.

Fili smiles up at me. "It's not that I mind you being on top of me or anything but.... Gentle." He says sarcastically, barely holding back laughter.

I blush deeply and scramble off of him. "Sorry, Fili. I... I didn't mean..." I say before he and Kili both interrupt me with laughter.

I look at them a bit stunned to see them laughing as hard, their arms wrapped around his stomach and tears streaming down their cheeks.

I start laughing too and soon we're howling with laughter, trying to calm ourselves down we just laugh harder.

As the rises we calm ourselves down. And see the eagle that's carrying Thorin's body.

"Thorin!" Fili yells at him desperately hoping that he is still alive.

"I was with him right before the eagle picked him up and he was still alive." I say trying to comfort them.

Everyone falls into an eerie silence as the eagles fly over the peak of the misty mountains.

The eagle I am on seems to be struggling with the weight of three. Suddenly I'm falling down. I scream as I get closer and closer to the trees then another eagle glides underneath me and I land on its back, and ontop of another dwarf.

"Hello, Lassie." I hear Bofur chuckle. I blush and scramble off of him.

"Im sorry Bofur. I didn't meant tackle you." I say blushing. 'These eagles need to stop making me land on top of people!'

"Yer fine, Y/N. No harm done." He says with a smile. "You're accident prone aren't you."

"I guess so." I say laughing. "Oh wow, look at that!" I say referring to the valleys and Forrest's under us. We lay on our stomach and intertwine our fingers as we watch the world below the eagles.

After quite a while of flying the eagles circle around a landing in the mountain side. They gently lay Thorin down and we all slip of the backs of the eagles.

"Thorin!" Gandalf calls out as he gets off his eagle. He goes over to where Thorin lays unconscious. "Thorin."

I slide off of my eagle and run over to where Gandalf and Thorin are. Gandalf whispers something and places his hand over Thorin's face. When he removes his hand Thorin's eyes open.

"Oh good." I breath a sigh of relief.

"The halflings?" Thorin asks Gandalf.

"It's alright. They're both here. They're quite safe." Gandalf tells him.

Bilbo and I stand away from the rest of the group. I can feel my anxiety rising, Thorin doesn't seem happy.

Kili and Dwaling help Thorin stand and he glares at us. "You two! What were you doing?"

Gandalf gives us a look of sympathy and I know we're about to be yelled at.

"You nearly got yourselves killed!" Thorin gripes at us. We both stare at him speechless. "Did I not say that you two would just be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild?" Thorin asks harshly and takes a step towards us. We both take a step back.

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