Chapter 4 (New)

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By the second night i was getting a little antsy. I like the ponys. I like riding and i love my pony, Mist, but i did not like riding all day. It was becoming uncomfortable and all i wanted to do was walk. For a while there at the end i did easily keeping pace with them. Glad when Thorin finally let us make camp for the night. Next to a rather nice and large outcrop of rock.

It was finally dark and many of the company have already bedded down for the night. Bombur was snoring and with every inhale he sucked in five or so flys. I wonder if i should say anything or wake him up.... But no one else seemed to care and i didnt know Bombur and i really dont like bugs.

Bilbo tossed and turned for a little while before sighing and getting to his feet. Unable to sleep and i watched him as i sat close to the fire across from Fili and Kili. I watched with a smile as he went to the horses looking around. Trying to sneak something and then the gives his pony an apple and i smile at my cousin. He is kind.

Then a loud screeching sound echos across the land and a fainter but still audible scream. Im on my feet in an instant. My heart rasing my hands reaching for the few daggers i had.

"What was that?" Bilbo asks a little freaked out as he walks quickly back over to the rest of us.

"Orcs." Kili tells him.

"Orcs?" Bilbo echos confused and Thorin instantly wakes at the word. Moving to sit up.

"Throat cutters." Fili continues. "There'll be dozens of them out there. The low lands are crawling with them."

"They strike in the wee small hours when everyone's asleep. Quick and quiet, no screams. Normally. Just lots of blood."

Bilbo looks back out into the forest below. Then with a smile Kili turns to look back at his brother and they laugh. They laugh.

"You think thats funny do you?" Thorin admonishes his nephews.

"How DARE you. How dare you laugh at that. People are dying and you talk of it, laugh at it, like it's a joke?" I yell so angry that i was shaking. My voice waking a few of the others so i try to lower it.

"Orcs do not come quietly in the night. They dont care who hears them. It doesnt matter who hears them. Their pray rarely escapes and they are lucky if they get killed quickly." My body shaking so furious, as another screech echoes out into the night. "So dont you ever EVER dare joke about that." I finish with a growl. Then turn and stomp away so angry but there was nothing i could do. I couldnt help anyone as I had no idea where it was coming from. Sound carries so far and with one last quiet scream the night goes silent. I walk over to Mist and sit down on a large boulder beside her staring out into vast forest.

I can still hear as Thorin speaks in the wake of my outburst. "You think a night rade by Orcs is a joke? You know nothing of the world." Thorin admonishes again before he too walked a little ways from the company. Standing on the other side of the ponys looking out into the night.

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