Chapter 2

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I awake just as the sun is rising. I rebraid my hair, grab my pack, put on a black wool cloak and go outside. I walk around the side of my house and saddle up my pony.

Finally the Dwarves and Gandalf come out and get on their horses and ponies. They set off down the road with Gandalf at the back. I get on my pony and walk him over beside Gandalf.

"Did any of them notice you were in Bilbo's house yesterday?" Gandalf asks me in a whisper.

"The one called Bofur did..... But that was only because I ran into him. I don't think any of the others knew I was there." I whispered back.

He chuckles then speaks up to the entire group. "Did any of you, other than Bofur, notice this girl at Bilbo's house last night?"

They all stop, turn, and look at Gandalf then to me. "No." They all say. Except for Bofur who stays quiet.

"As I said. Hobbits can go unnoticed by most if they wish." Gandalf smirks.

"Who is she?" The Dwarf prince asks a bit annoyed.

"She's Bilbo's cousin, Y/N Took. She will come along on the adventure. She volunteered herself. If Bilbo doesn't come then she can be your burglar." Gandalf says.

I smile at them all as Gandalf introduces me to them. "Dwalin. Balin. Oin. Gloin. Fili. Kili. Bifur. Bofur. Bombur. Ori. Nori. Dori. And Thorin." They all nod or wave at me as he says their name.

"Let us go now." Thorin says grumpily. "There's no time to waste."

We all continue down the road and Gandalf moves his horse to the front of the group with Thorin.

Bofur and his horse falls back until he is along side me. "So, you're the lassie that I ran into yesterday." He says in a thick accent.

"Yes," I reply blushing a little. "I am terribly sorry about that. I hadn't meant to run into you."

He chuckles. "Oh no lassie you're fine. No harm done. I'm curious though. Why were you hiding?"

I look at him for a moment. He has dark raven hair, a nice mustache, a bit of a beard and that silly hat. I smile. "I wasn't supposed to be there. But I'm a Took. What can I say?" I laugh. "We like trouble."

He smiles but says nothing. We're quiet for a moment. I look back up at him. "You have very nice voice, by the way. Talking or singing."

He blushes a little. "Thank you."

Just then we hear Bilbo yell for us to wait. We all stop our horses and he runs up with the contract. "I signed it!" He hands it to Balin.

Balin looks over it then tucks it away in his pack. "Welcome to the company Master Baggins."

They put Bilbo on a pony and we start off again. Many of the Dwarves toss sacks of coins at each other.

"What is that all about?" I ask Bofur.

"They took bets on wether or not Bilbo would show up. Most bet he wouldn't." He says.

"What about you?" I ask. Then to answer my question someone tosses Bofur a sack if coins. He smiles and puts it into his pack.

I look up and see Gandalf also catching a sack. "I should've gotten into the bets." I murmur.

"Y/N?" Bilbo asks when he finally notices you. "What're you doing here?"

"I wanted to help them." I reply. Bilbo just shakes his head.

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