Chapter 11

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[A/N: Sorry it's been a few days!on the bright side I'm on Christmas break now so I will update more often!!! Please Comment and Vote I love hearing what y'all think! Okay back with the story!]

I wake to someone (Thorin) kicking my mat. "Get up! We're leaving soon."

I open my eyes and see that I am facing Bofur with his arm around my waist. His eyes already open, looking at me. "Mornin Lassie." He says in a voice thick with sleep.

I smile. "Good morning."

We both get up and put our mats back onto our packs. I look over at the table which Bombur had broken. It is now put back together and back into its original place. On it is a small elvish bow with a quiver full of arrows.

Walking over to it I hear a voice in my head. "Use it well Y/N." The voice, which I now recognize as Lord Elrond, says. "It was made specifically to match your talents. Mithrandir had it made long ago. Go now and be safe."

I strap the quiver across my back and carry the bow in my left hand. Then I put on my pack, careful not to disturb my arrows, and we walk out of Rivendell. Thorin leads us to a set of stairs leaving out of the valley.

"Hey! Y/N!" Kili greets me. "Where'd you get yer bow? You didn't have it before."

"Gandalf had it made for me." I reply.

"You two should have a contest." Fili says jokingly. "See who would win."

We all smile. "I bet 50 coins on the girl." I hear Balin say to Gloin.

"Yer on!" Gloin says.

"Be on your guard!" Thorin says to us as we climb further into the mountain side. "We're about to step over the Edge of the Wild. Balin, you know these paths. Lead on."

"Aye." Balin says as he takes the front.

Bilbo turns and looks back over Rivendell. "Master Baggins....." Thorin says after a moment. "I suggest you keep up."

Bilbo turns and I pat his back. "Come now cousin. The game is on!" We laugh as we walk out into the trees.

[Back in Rivendell]

"You will follow them." Galadriel states as she looks over the valley of Imladris.

"Yes." Gandalf replys as he watches her reaction.

Galadriel's lips curve into a slight smile. "You are right to help Thorin Oakensheild." She pauses for a moment. "But I fear this quest has set in motion forces we do not yet understand." She looks at Gandalf. "The riddle of the Morgul Blade must be answered."

Her voice fades to a whisper. "Something moves in the shadows, unseen, hidden from our sight. It will not show it's self. Not yet. But everyday it grows in strength. You must be careful."

"Yes." Gandalf whispers as he turns and walks away from the balcony.

"Mithrandir?" Galadriel's voice calls after him and he stops. "Why the two Halflings?" She asks as he turns to her.

"I do not know." He says shaking his head. "Saurman believes that it is only great power can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found." He slowly turns away as he speaks. "I have found it is the small things.... everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay. Simply acts of kindness and love." He tells her. His mind going through many past memories. "Why Bilbo Baggins and Y/N Took?" He laughs slightly. "Perhaps It is because I am afraid..... and they give me courage."

Galadriel walks to Gandalf and places her hands over his. "Do not be afraid, Mithrandir." She says to him and gently pushes his hair away from his face. "You are not alone. Epoy elia e etho ec teli etho." She says to him in Elvish.

[If you should ever need my help..... I will come]

He bows his head and watches as her hands move away from his. Looking up he sees that Galadriel is gone.

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