Chapter 7

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I slide my sword into my sheathe and we all take off running through the hills. Many time we have to stop and run the other way.

We notice a Warg and it's rider stray for the pack, following our scent. We press ourselves against a large hill. The Warg is ontop of the hill, it is able to smell us.

Thorin nudges Kili. He nods and shoots the Warg down. I quickly cut the Orcs head off. Unfortunatly the Warg let out a growl before we killed it. The others know we're here.

"Run." Gandalf tells us. We take off running once again.

"Where are you leading us?" Thorin asks. Gandalf doesn't reply. I'm betting Thorin would not like the answer. We run as far as we can but soon we're surrounded.

A few of us look around and notice Gandalf is gone. "Where's Gandalf?" Dori questions.

"He's abandoned us!" Dwalin answers in rage.

"He would not do such a thing! He is searching for a way out!" I reassure them.

Bofur looks over to me. "I love you Y/N."

"Don't you dare say that like this is the end!" I yell at him as I kill a Warg running towards us.

"Hold your ground!" Thorin yells to us. We all draw our weapons and stand ready to fight.

The Wargs and their riders get closer and closer. Their growls echoing around the hills. One of the Wargs jumps at me, dragging me to the ground, and its jaws snapping at my face. I hold it's head back much as I can. It's teeth not a hairs length from my face.

All of a sudden I hear a loud crack and the Warg collapses against me. Bofur pulls me out from underneath it an I see that he had broken its back. My eyes are wide, my pulse quick, I'm gasping for breath. "I love you to, Bofur." I tell him.

"This way, you fools!" Gandalf yells at us. We all turn and see his at the mouth of a hole in the ground underneath a rock outcrop.

"Come on, Move!" Thorin yells at us. We all run towards the hole. "Quickly all of you!"

Bofur grabs my hand tight. "Come on!" We jump into the hole. Sliding down a steep wall and rolling into the floor with the others following us. Thorin jumps in last and we hear a horn sound.

An Orc falls and rolls into the cave with an arrow in its neck. Gandalf pokes at it with his staff. It is dead.

Thorin pulls the arrow out examining it for moment. "Elves...."

Dwalin yells at us from further into the cave. "I cannot see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it or no?"

"Follow it of course!" Bofur yells back at him and drags me along with him. He wraps an arm around my waist and whispers in my ear. "I almost lost you back there. Again."

"I'm alright. Bofur." I kiss his cheek. "I'm alright love.... I'm not going anywhere." The pathway begins to narrow out. He lets go of my waist and intertwines our fingers pulling me along behind him.

We follow the path in silence past a small waterfall and the path opens to over look a beautiful valley. One that I had only read of and had dreamed of seeing.

"The Valley of Imladris." Gandalf tells us. "In the common tongue it is know my another name."

"Rivendell." Bilbo and I say at the same time. We look at each other and smile like children. For we had both dreamt our entire lives of seeing Rivendell.

"Here lies the Last Homely House East of the Sea." Gandalf tells us.

I turn to face Bofur only to find him already looking at me. I blush. "What?"

"You're eyes light up like a child's." He says quietly. "You scared me back there Lassie..." He says referring to the Warg. "I saw it in your eyes. You felt fear too."

I nod but say nothing. He pulls me into a bone crushing hug. Whispering into my ear. "What am I to do with you?"

I smile and kiss his lips roughly, which sent goosebumps up his arms. "I have a few ideas." I whisper to him with a kind smile.

"If we are to be successful this will need to be handled with tact." Gandalf says to Thorin. "And respect. And no small degree of charm. Which is why you will leave the talking to me." He says to all of us. As we walk down the narrow path leading to the beautiful Elven city of Rivendell.

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