Chapter 3

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-Time Jump-

We're camping out for the night and I make some soup for the Dwarves to eat. I take two bowls to Fili and Kili. They're watching the ponies.

"Boys." I say as a greeting as I give them their bowls. Then I notice their stumped looks. "What's wrong?"

"We're supposed to be watching the ponies but we've encountered a slight problem." Fili says.

"We're missing four." Kili finishes.

I walk off into the trees and they follow. We hide behind a fallen tree and see three mountain trolls talking about how to eat our ponies.
"Give me something sharp." I tell them. They both look at me like I'm nuts. "Now!" I whisper.

Fili hands me a dagger. "What're you going to do?" He asks a bit worried.

"I'm going to cut them free." I say and I walk slowly over to where the horses are corralled. They whiny a little bit. "Shh.." I whisper.

I cut them free and they take off running. The trolls notice and grab me. "What is it?" One of them asks

"It's a tiny girl!" Another other says.

"Put. Me. Down." I say loudly with anger.

"It speaks..." One says.

"She let the pony go. I say lets eat her." The one holding me says.

"You let her go!" I hear Fili yell at them. Then all the dwarves are charging at the trolls. Stabbing and slicing wherever they can.

The one holding me tightens his grip and I realize it's hard to breathe. Then he drops me and I hit the ground hard.

One of the others picks Bilbo up and they grab each of his arms and legs. "Put down your wepons." One says.

Thorin looks at them pissed off and they all put down their swords. Next thing I know they have us all in sacks. Some are tied to a branch and are being rotisseried.

One of them picks me up. "Can I eat her?"

"No!" The other says and takes me away for him. "Lets get them cooking before dawn. I don't fancy being turned to stone."

Bilbo realizes what to do and begins to play for time. He says we have parasites and we go along with it.

"Let the dawn take you!" Gandalf yells out and splits a boulder into two. The light shines through and the trolls begin to turn to stone.

The one holding me throws me aside and I hit a tree then hit the ground. "Y/N!" Someone yells but everything goes black.

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