Chapter 8

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I gaze up in wander at two giant stone Elves. 'It's almost as if they're guardians of Rivendell.' I think. "They are." I hear Gandalf's voice in my head. I look over to him and he smiles.

Past the stone Guardians the pathway opens into a large circular area. With another path leading up stairs. Two Elven warriors stand ontop the stairs as a male Elf, with long red-ish brown hair, comes down the stairs towards us.

"Mithrandir." The male Elf says. Gandalf turns and smiles.

"Ah Lindir!" Gandalf greets him.

"Stay sharp." Thorin whispers to Dwalin.

"Stay close." Bofur whispers to me.

"Eha strana mestrana est dra durine." Lindir says to Gandalf in Elvish.

"I must speak with Lord Elrond." Gandalf responds in the common tongue.

[A/N: Just a few quick interesting facts. Elrond is half elf half human! He chose to be elf while his twin brother chose to be human back in 530's of the first age! You can look it up if you don't believe me! Another thing. Gandalf, Galadriel, and Elrond were the bearers of the three Elven rings! One last thing. All of the wizards including Saruman, Gandalf and Radagast are Maia loosely translated into Angel. Gandalf is an angel!!!! Look it up if you want to know more! Okay continue with the story!!!]

Lindir responds in common tongue. "My Lord Elrond is not here."

"Not here? Where is he?" Gandalf asks. Just then we hear a horn sound and Gandalf smirks to Lindir. We all turn to see a full company of Elf warriors ride in on their horses.

"Meh ki meha kah!" Thorin yells in dwarfish "Close ranks!" and the dwarves form a tight circle. Bofur pulls Bilbo and I behind him as the horses and their rides run around us and slow to a stop.

"Gandalf." One of the Elves says.

"Lord Elrond." Gandalf says walking over to him. Then he switches to Elvish. "Mellonin!" Ooh! That means My friend. That much I do know. "Wahhabi nes?"

"Florina ma amoth ordolo hale." Lord Elrond says as he gets off his horse. "Daganhe mwveen niya therine." Elrond quickly hugs Gandalf. "Strange for Orcs to come so close to our borders." Elrond says switching to English. He walks over to Lindir and hands him his sword. "Something or someone has drawn them near." He turns and looks over at us. His eyes meeting mine for a moment then he looks back at Gandalf.

"Ah, that may have been us." Gandalf tells him.

Thorin steps forward and Elrond turn to him. "Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain."

"I do not believe we have met." Thorin says.

"You have your grandfather's bearing." Elrond tells him. "I knew Thror when he ruled Under the Mountain."

"Indeed? He made no mention of you." Thorin says a bit irately.

"Narth we noyer thoth oweview oyana mwoyvan an nethri ve." Elrond responds in Elvish.

"What is he sayin?" Gloin asks taking offense. "Does he offer us insult?" He asks raising his voice.

I look over to Lord Elrond and see the sly smirk in his face. He's enjoying this.... 'Tease' I think and he smiles bigger. 'Yes, but it is quite fun' I hear his voice in my head. I look up at him. My eyes wide and he nods slightly.

The other dwarves raise their voice in protest. Then Gandalf inturrupts him. "No, Master Gloin, he's offering you food."

The dwarves then turn to themselves and discus wether or not we should accept. Gloin turns to face Elrond again. "Uh well, in that case, lead on." I sigh and shake my head at their childishness.

We all walk up the stairs and into the fortress. I hang behind everyone as I gaze upon the beauty of Rivendell. Elrond also lingers behind. "What is a she-Hobbit like yourself doing traveling with 13 dwarves?" He asks me.

I look up at him trying to decide how to respond. "Originally I came along with my cousin Bilbo, the other hobbit, but now..." I trail off unsure of how he would take me loving a dwarf.

"Now you stay because you love one of the dwarves, yes?" Elrond guesses with a kind smile. I nod but say nothing. "You seem to fear what I would think of such a match." He presses and I nod again.

He stops at a stone bench and sits placing his hand beside him telling me to sit. I crawl up onto the bench and sit beside him. "Y/N, Do you fear that I will tell you, you cannot love him?" He asks.

"Yes. I see the way some of the elves watch the dwarves and its obvious the dwarves hate the elves. Yet, you do not seem to have anything against them. I do not know if it has ever been done. A hobbit loving a dwarf." I say finally.

"I was born a long time ago." Elrond tells me. "My mother was an elf. My father was a human. My mother chose to live a mortal life. She had me and my brother. I chose to live an immortal life as an elf while my brother chose to be human. My mother, father, and brother all died long ago while I live on."

I look up at him a bit confused. "Why're you telling me this Lord Elrond?"

"Because, my dear, I would never tell you that you could not love someone. Wether he is of your same species or not. Love is what matters." He looks down at me. "There is only one thing wrong with a hobbit loving a dwarf."

"What is that?" I ask worriedly.

"Dwarves can live up to 250 years old while Hobbits can only live up to 130 years. You and Bofur could be together for all of your life, but once you pass away Bofur will be left behind until he too dies." I see the sadness in his eyes. "I know what it is life to be left behind. But remember this, my dear, while it may hurt for him to lose you he would much rather have loved and lost you than to never have loved you at all." Elrond says.

"What should I do?" I ask him.

He smiles. "Love him." His head snaps up and he looks down the hall. "Bofur is searching for you." Elrond stand and looks down to me. "Go on to dinner."

I hop off the bench and walk down the hall. I see Bofur leaning against the wall waiting for me. "Bofur?" I ask and smiles.

"Once I noticed you were not with us I began to look for you. I did not want to interrupt your talk." He walks over to me and brushes a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"Did you hear what we were saying?" I ask and he strokes my cheek.

"Yes." He says and I now my head. He tilts my head up by my chin. "Y/N, Elrond is right. If we do stay together then there will come a day when you will leave me behind."

I nod and step away from him. "I understand, Bofur. You needn't say it. I'll just go."

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