Chapter 18

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"Safety is over rated!" I say to lighten the situation. They of course ignore me as we are running for our lives. AGAIN.

"Go!" Thorin yells as we hear the Wargs gaining on us. We try to run faster but the terrain isn't really helping.

The Wargs catch up to us. I see one jump at Bilbo, he draws his sword and as the beast runs to him the swords impales it in the head, killing it.

"Nice one Bilbo!" I yell to him as I stab a Warg.

We kill the first wave of Wargs and go to run but there is no where to go. We're trapped between Azog and a cliff.

"Up into the trees!" Gandalf yells at us. "All of you! Come on, climb! Bilbo, climb!"

We all jump to the trees climbing as high as we can, and of course my idiot of a cousin is trying to get his sword out of the Warg's head.

"They're coming!" Thorin yells.

"Bilbo! Get your butt up here!" I yell at him as I ready an arrow in my bow.

Bilbo finally pulls his sword free, the Warg's are almost under us. "BILBO!" I yell one last time. He looks up and sees us in the trees. I let out a shaky sigh as I see him climbing through a tree to my left.

I look up to see who I'm sharing the tree with. Fili, Kili, Bofur, and Gloin are all up higher in the tree. I climb where I'm between Fili and Kili.

"Boys." I greet as if there wasn't danger beneath us.

"Y/N." They both greet as nonchalantly as myself.

"Ready yer bow." I say to Kili. He looks a bit confused. "Time for that contest." I say with a smile.

"Don't you two thing were a little busy for that?" Fili asks.

"We're aiming for the Wargs." I say and point at the ones jumping at our tree and the other trees. "Who ever kills the most wins?" I ask.

"Alright." Kili says and reads his bow.

Fili shakes his head and try's to muffle a laugh. "Alright. Go." He says.

Our arrows fly. My arrows aiming for two Wargs jumping on a tree across from us. Kili's arrows aiming for the Wargs at the bottom of our tree.

My arrows pierce their spines crippling and killing them instantly. "Two down." I say as I aim for one at the foot of Thorin's tree.

"Three down!" Kili says.

I shoot my arrows and take two more down. With one arrow. "Four."

Kili takes another down but Fili stops is before we can continue. "What is it Fili?" I ask.

"Look." He points at a large pale Orc astride a white Warg.

"Azog!" We hear Thorin say in disbelieve.

"Nosh negth?" Azog asks in black speech. "Nosh ne gaath?"

We all watch him in silence.

"Godsnegy sha nu datu oh boh noushda ne, Thorin unda Thrain." Azog says to Thorin with a disturbing smile.

"It cannot be..." Thorin whispers.

"Hawk Bouda kebaniers oraga ki!" Azog yells and the Wargs jump back at the trees.

"Bows!" Fili yells as Wargs slam into our tree.

We loose our arrows at the wargs having forgotten about the contest. We take a few down but there is just to many.

The tree that Bilbo, Dwalin, and a few of the others are on crashes into our tree. They all jump over but the falling of their tree causes a domino effect. Tree by tree falls until everyone is on the last tree standing which is right next to the cliff.

"Gandalf?" I asks as I see how cornered we are. I look up to him as he tosses down a flaming pine cone.

Gandalf lights two more and tosses one down. "Fili!"

Fili helps Bilbo light one of his own and Gandalf tosses more down to us. I catch one of them and light another come with it.

"Bofur!" I say as I toss him a flaming cone.

Those of us with flaming ones throw them down at the Wargs. The Forrest floor beneath us is in flames.

The wall of flames is between us and Azog as well as the other orcs and Wargs.

Azog screams out in anger. "Yeah!" Dwalin yells back and we all start laughing.

Unfortunately our small victory is short lived, our tree begins to tilt backwards and falls. Thankfully the roots are somewhat strong. They stop the tree from falling all the way.

"Ahh!" I hear someone scream. I look down to see Ori barely hanging onto Doris legs. "Mr Gandalf!" Dori yells up to him.

Dori looses his grip on the branch and falls. Thinking fast Gandalf lowers his stale for them to hold into and Dori grabs it before it is out of reach.

I turn to make sure everyone is okay. Everyone is holding on best they can. Expect for Thorin who is walking down the tree towards Azog.

"What do you think you're doing!?!" I yell at him.

"Do not think to follow me." He says to me as he walks past.

[A/N: I am almost to the end of The Unexpected journey so this Fic will be ending soon DONT WORRY THOUGH!!!! This will be a 3 part fic!!!! I will post the title of the sequel In the last chapter!!! There's only a few more and I've already written them!!!! So thank you for reading! Comment/Vote!!]

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