Chapter 5

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-Your P.O.V-

When I finally wake it's dark. To one side of me there is a fire built and on the other is Bofur. He is curled up facing me but fast asleep. He still has that silly hat on. I smile thinking it really does look good on him.

I suddenly remember what happened with him the last time I was awake. I touch my lips. Then I noticed I couldn't feel any pain.

"Y/N?" Bofur asks. I turn to look and him and he's sitting up. "Oh my dear Y/N!" He hugs me gently.

I smile and tackle him in a hug. I lay on top him, his hands on my waist. He smiles at me "How're you feeling?"

I nuzzle his neck and whisper. "I'm great. I feel amazing!" I kiss him gently and he flips us over to where he is on top.

He kisses me roughly and I moan into his lips. I run my fingers down his sides, he gasps, and squirms a little. I look up into his eyes and he's blushing.

"Are you ticklish?" I ask smiling devilishly.

"No." He says as he sits next to me. I poke at his side and he squirms.

"Ahahahaha! You are ticklish!" I laugh and tickle him. He narrows his eyes and starts to tickle me. "Ah! No!" I squeal as Im laughing.

Both of us tickling the other and laughing. "Truce!" I gasp between laughing. He bows and we both stop.

We smile at each other like mad folk as we gasp for breath. "They're awake!" I hear Kili say.

"How're you feeling?" Many of the dwarves ask.

"I feel great thanks to Gandalf." I smile gratefully at him and he nods.

"How long had it been since I was last awake?" I ask Bofur.

"You had been asleep for two days." He looks down. "I thought I had lost you. Gandalf said that you had been broken in many places."

I take his hand and hold it tightly. "I am still here. I'm not going anywhere."

"I know Lassie.... I won't let you go so easily." Bofur smiles.

"So what happened while I was asleep?" I ask.

"Well, we went out and found the trolls Cave horde. Oh and we found you a sword." Balin says and hands me a Hobbit sized sword. "It's quite small, more of a letter opener really, it will work just fine for you."

I draw the sword from its sheathe. "It's quite beautiful." I say as I look at the elvish written on the blade. "Where's Bilbo?" I ask.

"He's sleeping." Bofur says and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "It's still the wee hours of the night lassie." He tells me.

I smile then realize I have held the company back by three days. "Is... Is Thorin angry with me?" I ask a bit worried.

"Thorin? Why would he be angry with you?" Gloin asks a bit confused.

"I've held the company back three days... I came along to help and I've only hindered you all." I say.

"Aye don't you worry about that. Thorin may be a bit grumpy but he's always that way. He understands that you needed to rest. Now that you're up and about we can set off again. Either way it wasn't your fault you got hurt." Dwalin tells me and claps me on the back. I smile at him thankful for all their kind hearts.

Light shines through the top of the trees and everyone stirs awake. I walk over to Gandalf after packing my things. "Thank you Gandalf. For saving me." I say to him.

"Y/N, I am quite glad you recovered. Honestly I didn't think you could. Your body was badly damaged. We all worried. Bofur refused to leave your side. You have him under your spell." Gandalf chuckles.

"I am under his spell, Gandalf. Thank you for everything." I smiles up to him. He kneels down and hugs me.

"Get packed up and ready to go!" Thorin yells to everyone.

"Aye lassie. Time to go." Bofur says as he hands me my pack.

I smile at him. "On with the adventure!"

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