Chapter 19

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"Thorin!" I yell out in anger. The bloody idiot is going to get himself killed.

We all watch in stunned silence as he runs towards Azog. His sword and an oakenshield for protection.

Time slows as we all watch in horror. Thorin runs towards Azog, the Warg leaps and hits Thorin taking him down. Thorin slowly gets back up as the Warg turns to face him again. Azog hits Thorin across his chest and he is throw down again.

"No!" Balin cries out.

I can't take It anymore. I struggle to climb up where I can stand. Bilbo standing a few feet In front of me.

I turn to see the Warg bite down on Thorin's torso and shake him like a doll.

"Thorin! No!" Dwalin cries out. He try's to get up but the branch he is on breaks and he has to focus on not falling.

Thorin manages to hit the Warg with his sword and it throws him across the clearing.

"Thorin!" I scream out as I see him hit a large rock.

"Bering torda hum de corda." Azog says to a nasty looking Orc. The Orc gets off its Warg, draws its sword and walks over to Thorin's body.

Bilbo and I both draw our swords. I place my hand on his shoulder. "Courage cousin." He nods and we both take off running down the log to where Thorin's body lays.

The Orc brings the sword to Thorin's neck and raises it. Bilbo and I tackle it before he could behead Thorin.

We land on top of the Orc, it flips us over and tries to kill us but I knock its sword away and Bilbo stabs it. I climb out from under them and leave Bilbo to kill the Orc.

I run over to Thorin and check for a pulse. "He's still alive!" I tell Bilbo. As he kills the Orc and runs over to protect Thorin.

"Orge doolba." Azog says to the other Orcs. The Wargs and Orcs slowly come towards us.

I sheith my sword and set my bow with two arrows. 'If I am going to die I might as well die protecting someone' I think.

I loose the arrows and kill both a Warg and it's rider. Then I hear a battle cry and see Kili, Fili, Bofur, and many of the others run and attack the Wargs and Orcs.

"Nice timing!" I yell out as a thanks as I'm fighting against a Orc much larger than me. I quickly behead the Orc and turn to see Bilbo laying on the ground with Azog and his white Warg crawling towards him.

"Not my cousin!" I yell out as I jump in between the Warg and Bilbo. Azog growls at me and I sarcastically smile back.

All of a sudden we hear a loud screeching sound and see huge eagles flying towards us. They pick up many of the Wargs and Orcs and throw them over the edge. They also fan the remaining orcs with the fire, driving them back.

Everyone in the company watches the eagles with terrified yet awed expressions. I see one of the eagles gently grab Thorin then it takes off again. Kili watches it fly of with Thorin in its talons, his expression priceless.

"Look." Bilbo says as an eagle flies towards him and scoops him up. He's screaming as it flies off with him, drops him and he lands on the back of another eagle.

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