Chapter 14

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"There's nothin here." Dwalin says from inside the cave. We all file into the large room.
Gloin drops a pile of wood on the floor and rubs his hands together. "Right, then. Lets get a fire started."

"No." Thorin says to him. "No fires. Not in this place." He walks around for a moment. "Get some sleep. We start at first light."

Balin looks a him sternly. "We were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us." Thorin turns his head to look at him. "That was the plan." Balin tells him.

"Plans change." Is all Thorin says on the matter. "Bofur." Thorin says and turns to face Bofur, who glares at him. "Take the first watch." (Bofur's a wee but angry that Thorin said I don't belong with them.)

Everyone gets settled in for the night. Bofur and I have our mats laid beside each others against a wall. I stay up with him for the first watch. Not quite ready to sleep.

"Oh I wish you could see the Blue Mountains, Lassie." He says (I had asks him more about his homeland) "Its very cold more often than not. Snow everywhere.... Which is why I have mah hat." He tells me and I smile.

"Tell me of the people?" I ask, curious.

"Some are miners, some tinkers, some toy makers. Our toys and jewelry are spread all across middle earth! My family are mostly miners but Bifur and I are toy makers. I love taking spare pieces and turning them into wonderful creatures. I love the way the children light up when they see the toys."

"Honestly the scenery is my favorite but the people are my second favorite. The women love to host parties the men love to attend. Around the coldest times of the year we gather and celebrate Durins day. Everyone dresses up and dance along to music. Gifts are given. Oh I wish you could see my home... I live just outside of the town, in the country. The snow frosting the trees, and in shapes that some Dwarvish children make....." We stay quiet for a while. Both of us thinking of The Blue Mountains, of his home.

I lean against his side and he wraps his arm around my waist as I begin to drift off. I am jolted awake when I hear him ask, "Where do you think you're going?"

I look up and see Bilbo with his pack and walking stick. "Bilbo?" I ask tiredly and a bit confused.

He looks back at me and Bofur. "Back to Rivendell." We both stand up, me instantly awake.

"No, no, you can't turn back now, eh?" Bofur says, his voice almost pleading. You're part of the company you're one of us." I look up into Bofur's eyes and I see hurt and a bit of shock. Exactly what I know is written all over my face.

"Please Bilbo." I say sadly.

He looks at us for a moment before responding. "I'm not though am I? Thorin said I should never have come and he was right. I'm not a Took." Bilbo says looking at me. "I'm a Baggins. I don't know what I was thinking. I should never have run out my door."

"Your homesick. I understand." Bofur says before Bilbo cuts him off.

"No, you don't! You don't understand. None of you do!" He says with emphasis.

"Bilbo..." I warn but he continues.

"You're Dwarves. You're used to this life. To living on the road, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere!"

"Bilbo!" I snap at him. I know his words hurt Bofur who had just been telling me of how he misses his home.

Bilbo realizes what he says and regret washes over his features. "Oh, I am sorry. I didn't--" Bilbo clears his throat. He's never been good with emotions.

Bofur looks at him sadly. "No you're right." He looks back over the rest of the company. "We don't belong anywhere."

"Bofur..." I say and place my hand on his arm.

He looks down at me and try's to hide his sadness with a small smile. Then he turns to Bilbo. "I wish you all the luck in the world. I really do." Bofur says with a smile and pats Bilbo's shoulder.

Bilbo nods to him then to me and turns to walk away. "Bilbo?" I ask with alarm as I see his sword lighting up blue.

"What's that?" Bofur asks as he sees it.

Bilbo pulls the sword from its scabbard and the blue shines into the room. We hear a faint creaking sound and look back to see sand falling downwards.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Thorin yells.

The floor suddenly collapses under us and we fall down into large cavern. We slide down the floors, all of us screaming as we go. "Oh I don't like this!" I yell out.

We slide down further and further through several twists and turns until we drop into a round cage.

"Look out! Look out! Look out!" Someone yells as these hideous creatures come rushing towards us.

We fight against them for what seems like forever but there are just to many of them. They grab us and push us forward, were still fighting them but to no avail.

"Get yer filthy hands off of me!" I yell as one of them grabs my breasts. I punch it and its knocked flying off the edge. Several others grab my arms and hold them behind my back so I can no longer fight against them.

They continue pushing us through several corridors. Until we come to a hug open room filled with the ugly things. At the center on what I suppose is supposed to be a throne is a huge, fat, ugly creature.

The small creatures throw our weapons in front of us. I have my cloak on so they cannot see my bow or quiver of arrows.

Bofur pulls me in front of him and pulls the cloak over my head. "Don't let them know you're female." He whispers into my ear and I nod.

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