I'm In Love With A Joker: Part 43

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James: *morning and is still snoring loudly*

Me: *has DJ tank top on again with skinny jeans* Babe..Babe..? BABE!

James: I'm up! I'm up!

Me: *laughs* Anyways, I'm going to go get my hair cut. Okay?

James: Oh. *yawns* Yeah, okay.

Me: Cya in an hour. *grabs keys and walks out*

James: Guess I better get myself cleaned up. *stretches and walks to bathroom* *throws clothes in laundry basket and gets in shower*

Joe: *calls James' phone*

James: Damn it. *shuts water off and grabs towel* *answers phone* Yes?

Joe Over Phone: Dude, where are you? I just saw Annika leave.

James: I'm in the shower, and she went to get her hair cut.

Joe Over Phone: I bet you wish you could do that. *snickers silently*

James: Ugh. Anyways, what did you want?

Joe Over Phone: Just bein' NOSEy. Haha, see what I did there?

James: *annoyed voice* Yeah. Sure.

Joe Over Phone: Well. I gotta go. Bye.

James: Yeah, bye. *both hang up* Finally. *sets phone down and gets back in shower* *gets out, dries off and brushes teeth*

Me: *walks in* Babe, you here?

James: Yeah, I'm in here!

Me: Okay. Like it? *hair is a punk rock chick hairstyle* It's appropriate for my gig!

James: You look great, babe! *smiles*

Me: *has a wicked look on face* Can you, um, come here for a sec? *smirks*

James: Um, sure?

Me: *yanks towel down while he's caught off guard* *laughs*

James: Hey! *has annoyed look on face*

Me: Oh, my God! I have to call Joe! *rofls* *calls Joe* Joe- *laughs really hard*

Joe Over Phone: Yeah? *hears James in background*

James: I swear, if you say one word!

Joe Over Phone: James? What happened?

James: Ugh. Nothing.

Me: I took his towel again.

Joe Over Phone: Huehhh. Gurrrrrrl, you are hilarious! *says in awkward but hilarious voice*

Me: Ah, yeah, I know. *laughs*

James: Yeah, yeah, very funny. Can I have it back now?!?

Me: Naw.

James: Oh. I see how it is.

Joe Over Phone: Should I go, orrr? *laughs*

Me: Maybe you should. *laughs*

Joe Over Phone: Alright, well. Bye.

James and Me: Bye. *both hang up*

James: Can I seriously just have it back?!

Me: Only if you go out to my car, like you are, and get my headphones. *smiles* No covering, no walking backwards, no running.

James: Oh.

Me: Or are you scared? *smirks*

James: I'll do it if you do it with me.

Me: Oh, I can, darling.

James: No clothes.

Me: Ohh..Maybe I can't.

James: But you will.

Me: Um..Sure. >^<

James: C'mon then! *smirks*

Me: *gets undressed and walks with James*

James: Come on. No hiding. You specifically said, and I quote, "No covering, no walking backwards, no running." *smirks*

Me: Oh, fuck you.

James: You wish. *laughs*

Me: *laughs*

Sal: *walks up and sees us* *walks away*

Me: *laughs* What were we even doing again?

James: *laughs* Getting your headphones?

Me: Oh, yeah! *walks faster than you*

James: *rocks hurt feet* Damn. Could we've brought shoes?

Me: Didn't think about it.

James: No going back now.

(Both reach car)

Me: Finally. *door's locked* Fuck! James, sweetie, will you go get my keys? *smiles, innocently*

James: Fineeeee. *walks back to house in pain* *grabs keys and unlocks door*

Me: Thank youuuuu! *smiles and opens door to get headphones* Ah, there we go. *walks back to house, feet throbbing and getting rocks stuck to them*

James: Can I have it now?

Me: I don't see why you'd need it now? You're dry.

James: Well. Okay then. T^T *walks to closet and gets gray sweatshirt with a white shirt and jeans*

Me: *already dressed* I'm going upstairs to the studio to work on my music. We'll go to Joe's place later, maybe?

James: Sure.

Me: Okay! *trudges upstairs*

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