I'm In Love With A Joker: Part 62

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(Next Day)

James: *gets up and goes to kitchen*

Me: *rolls over and falls off bed* WHAT THE FU- Oh.. *gets up and peeks out door*

James: Problems? *smirks*

Me: No! *punches arm playfully* *yawns and stretches* I'm gonna get Alyssa up to get ready for Joe's house.

James: Okay. I'll take a shower and get ready to go.

Me: Alright. *yawns and stretches again* *trudges upstairs* Alyssa! You ready to go to Joe's house?

Alyssa: *snores quietly and turns over*

Me: Honey..You awake? You get to go to Joe's today! Yay!

Alyssa: Mommy..Look out behind you..

Me: What? *turns around*

James: *scares the living hell outta me XD* *laughs uncontrollably and highfives Alyssa*

Me: Earmuffs, sweetheart. *puts hands over her ears* What the fuck, James?!?

James: Sorry, it was Alyssa's idea.

Me: Oh, sure. *laughs and gets Alyssa up* C'mon, sweetie. Me and your father will get you ready.

Alyssa: *gets up and walks to bathroom with them* Mommy, can you stay in here with me? Please, I'm scared.

Me: Awe, your father will be in here too! He'll be brushing his teeth with you! Brush them good now, honey.

Alyssa: Okay, mommy.

James: She's grown up so fast!

Me: I know. It makes me wanna pile bricks on her head to make her stop growing!

Alyssa: Daddy, can you show me how to brush good again? Pwease?

James: Ohhh, you're four years old. You should know. *picks her up and whirls her around* Haha! *sets her down and grabs their toothbrushes*

Me: Okay, I'm gonna go get dressed. Brush good, honey! *walks to bedroom and puts piercings in* *grabs grey tanktop and black jeans*

James: *helps Alyssa brush her teeth* Okay, go get mommy to help you get dressed.

Alyssa: Okay, daddy. *runs to mommy and daddy's room*

James: *gets in shower*

Me: What do you wanna wear today, honey? You may have to stay the night at Joe's, if that's okay? I'm sure they'll let you sleep with them.

Alyssa: Okay, mommy. I wanna wear this. *holds up pink sweater and baggy jeans*

Me: Okay. *helps her in them and packs a duffel bag full of: clothes, hairbrush, toothpaste, floss, toothbrush, and favorite game* Okay, I think you're ready! Now let's wait for daddy.

James: *gets out, dries off and gets dressed* Okay, guys! *helps Alyssa with her shoes and carries her bag to the car* We ready?

Me: Yeah, I think so. Come on, Alyssa!

Alyssa: *passes mommy up and hops into car*

Me: *shuts door and walks to drivers side* Okay. First we drop Alyssa off at Joe's, then we go straight to the hospital. *drives off* Bye, baby! Love you, have fun!

Alyssa: Bye, mommy, bye, daddy. Love you!

James: Bye, Alyssa! Love you!

Alyssa: *runs up to Joe with duffel bag*

Joe: *waves at James and me while picking Alyssa up*

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