I'm In Love With A Joker: Part 58

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(9 Months Later)
Me: *gasps and groans* GET THIS DAMN THING OUT OF ME!
James: Uh. Should I go..? *sweats a little* ;-;
Me: *squeezes his hand really hard*
James: Ow! Fuck!
Me: GET IT OUT!!! *pushes* AHHHH!!
James: Oh, God. I might need a doctor. *gags* ..
Me: *squeezes hand harder*
James: Fuck, ow!
Doctor: One more push!
Me: *pushes more* AHHHHH!!! *hears baby cry* ....
James: Oh, my God..
Baby: *cries more*
Doctor: I'll get her cleaned up, okay?
Me: Okay, doctor..*cries of joy*
James: That wasn't so bad, was it?
Me: Have you gave fucking birth before?!
James: *murmurs* Okay. Looks like someone's on their period.
Me: I heard that. Look, what are we gonna name her?
James: I don't know. How about.. Alyssa? Alyssa Murray..
Me: I like that name..
Doctor: Here you are, ma'am.. *hands her to me* Have you thought of a name yet, miss? *smiles*
Me: Alyssa.. Alyssa Murray.
Doctor: That's a pretty name. I'll get the nurse to clean you up and get you three home, alright?
Me: Okay, thank you so much..
Alyssa: *calms down*
Me: She has your eyes, babe..
James: *smiles* She's beautiful..
Me: I know.. You should get the guys in here..
James: Alright. I'll be back.. *walks into waiting room* Guys..You should see her.. *smiles*
Sal, Brian, Joe: *walk in*
Sal: She's so pretty..
Brian: Congrats, man.
James: Thanks, Q.
Joe: What's her name?
Me: Alyssa.. James came up with that beautiful name. *smiles*
James: Ah. It feels good to be a parent.
Me: Yeah..I hope she gets my DJ skills when she's older. *laughs*
Joe: I think you'll be a good mom, Annika.
Me: Thanks, Josephine. *laughs*
Nurse: Alright. I just need the lucky lady in here. I'm sorry. *says stubbornly*
James: *texts Joe: she's a little bitchy.*
Joe: *texts back: you're telling me*
(All Leave Room)
Nurse: I'll get ya cleaned up, hun. *cleans me up and gets me back into clothes*
Me: Thank you.
Nurse: You're actually one of the few that is very skinny after birth. You're very pretty!
Me: Thank you so much! Bye!
Nurse: Bye, hun!
Me: Alright, guys. Let's go. *is holding Alyssa* *she falls asleep* Awe..

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