I'm In Love With A Joker: Part 68

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Me: Please get out of here..
Brian: Okay, okay.
(Both Leave)
James: *yawns* What happened?
Me: Sal and Q were in here.. Look, I have to do something. Put on my tanktop and jeans.
James: Um?
Me: You'll see. *puts on James' clothes*
James: I'll rip them.
Me: You're a twig.
James: >:I
Me: *laughs* It's true!
James: *coughs really hard*
Me: Are you okay?
James: *wheezes and coughs again* Yeah, I'm fine. *slips on my jeans easily*
Me: Didn't I tell you?
James: -.- Yeah, I guess. *laughs a little* ACHOO! Shit.
Me: I'm calling a doctor.
Sal: *walks in* Okay, mama.
Me: Call me mama again. I fucking dare you.
Sal: *puts hands up in a surendering position*
James: Babe, I'm fine. Sal.. Go away.
Sal: Fine. *leaves*
James: *slips rest of your clothes on* Why are we doing this again?
Me: *slips into underwear and bra and quickly snaps a picture of him* HAHA!! Bitch!
James: *blushes a lot* If you post that somewhere, I'll kill you!!!
Me: *laughs* Don't worry about it.
James: *strips out of my clothes* -.-
Me: Ah. *looks at clock: 8:30 AM* Damn. Well, we still have a few hours..
James: Yeah..
Me: *puts on my clothes and hands you yours*
James: *coughs a lot* Damn.
Me: :/ You okay?
James: Yes, I'm fine. Seriously.
Me: Just asking.
Nikki: *knocks on door*
James: *answers* Hey, Nikki.
Nikki: Hey, Murr. Where's Annika at?
James: *steps to side*
Me: What's up?
Nikki: I was just wondering if you guys wanted to hang with me, Sal, Cass, and Q.
Me: Sure, if that's okay with you?
James: Yeah. I'll go.
Nikki: Great! I'll call them and ask.
Me: Okay.
Nikki: Well, bye, guys!
James and Me: Cya.
James: *shuts door* *sneezes a lot*
Me: Look, I'll go pick up medicine if you keep this up.
James: *looks up at you* I'm fine. Just a head cold or something. *walks off and sits on couch* *sniffles*
Me: *snuggles up next to you* So..
James: So.. Want some popcorn or something?
Me: Yeah.. I'll go fix some. Coke, Dr. Pepper, or beer?
James: Dr. Pepper. Beer doesn't taste good with popcorn. Me and Sal figured that out the hard way. *cringes and laughs*
Me: Haha, yeah. *pops popcorn in microwave and tosses you a can*
James: *turns on TV* You leave Tuesday, huh..?
Me: Yeah.. But hey! We'll be able to Skype.. At least, I think we'll be able to..
James: Yeah, I guess. Movie or regular TV?
Me: Hm.. Movie.
James: What movie?
Me: Tammy?
James: Okay. *orders it off Direct TV*
Movie: "Do you like apple? - I do like apple!"
Me: *our hands touch in the popcorn* Such a cheesy way to touch hands.
James: Yeah. It's always in the movies, honestly. It's not even romantic. Just gross.
Me: Why gross?
James: You don't know how many people stick their fingers in their mouth after each handfull. *cringes again*
Me: Now you just sound like Sally Boy. Ha!
James: Just sayin', haha.
Me: *few hours later* *falls asleep on James' chest*
James: *looks at clock* Shit.. We gotta go to Nikki's house...Annika.. Annika..? ANNIKA!
Me: I'm up! *knocks popcorn bowl over and seeds fly everywhere* Damn, ha! Ah, I'll clean it later. *walks in bathroom*
James: *cleans it real fast and puts bowl in sink*
Me: *walks out and sees mess gone* Hm. *sees James in kitchen* We should get going. *checks phone: 1 missed call from Nikki* She called an hour ago, I'm guessing.
James: You must've had it on silent. I didn't hear it.
Me: Let's go. *both walk out*

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