I'm In Love With A Joker: Part 54

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James: *gets out and brushes teeth* *puts on clothes and walks out*

Me: Alright..Breathe.. *inhales* *exhales*

James: *Brian calls me* *answers* Yeah?

Brian Over Phone: Cassie is wondering where Annika is. *is on speaker phone*

Me: *whisper - yells* Shit! *runs upstairs*

James: Uh..I don't know. *lies*

Brian Over Phone: Well, if you see her, tell her Cass was lookin' for her.

James: Sure thing. Bye.

Brian Over Phone: Cya. *both hang up*

James: It's okay now!

Me: I didn't know I was THAT fun to hang out with.

James: Ha. I'll take you out for ice cream. You in? We'll avoid Cassie for a while. Okay?

Me: Sure. I do feel kinda bad though..I mean, she is my friend.

James: You can call her tonight and go.

Me: I guess I can.

James: Yeah.

Me: *Sal calls* Ugh. Why is everyone phone happy today?

James: *shrugs*

Me: *answers* *puts on speaker phone* Yeah, Sally?

Sal Over Phone: Is James around?

Me: Yeah, he's right beside me. Why?

Sal Over Phone: Well, I was wondering if he would like to come hang with us. Ya know, me, Brian and Joe.

James: Sure. Beats hangin' around bored all day. What time?

Sal Over Phone: 8:00 PM?

James: Okay. *reads clock: 4:01* Hm. Cya later.

Sal Over Phone: Bye.

Me: Bye. *both hang up*

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