I'm In Love With A Joker: Part 70

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(Both Fall Asleep In Shower)
Sal: *knocks on door* Hello? *finds a key under mat* Hehe. *unlocks door and looks around* Hello?? Anyone home? *looks in bedroom* *checks bathroom and looks in shower* Ohhhh, sheit!
James: *snores a little* ..
Sal: Pfffttt.. *laughs quietly* *shakes James* Murr...Wake up..
James: Wha..?
Sal: Murr!! Wake up!
James: What do you want, mom..
Sal: Pfft.. I'm not your mom..It's Sal..
James: *wakes up fully* What, Sal..*thinks he's in bed*
Sal: First of all, why are you in the shower sleeping with Annika? Second of all, do you wanna grab a beer at my bar? Just a guys night out? Just you and me.
James: Sure.. *yawns*
Brian: I wouldn't get drunk.
Sal: Oh, hey.
Brian: Hey.
Sal: Why can't we get drunk?
Brian: Listen. You guys sort of.. Flirt with each other when you get drunk. Joe and I witness a lot of flirting when you get drunk.
James: *starts snoring again*
Me: *wakes up* Huh..? *pulls curtain closed* HEY?!? WTF?!
Sal: Oh....Heeyyy.. ;-;
Me: What is it now? *wipes eyes*
Sal: Just asking James if he wanted to grab a beer at my bar.
Me: *looks down at James* Doesn't look like it.
Sal: I asked him, but he fell asleep again.
Me: Sure. Anyways, please get the fuck outta here. Might as well leave James in the tub.
Sal: Alright. Tell him I asked if he wanted to grab a beer.
Me: Alright. *gets out and gets dressed*
James: *rolls over in tub*
Me: Whatever. *walks in living room and turns on TV*
James: *wakes up* Wha..?
Me: You awake, shower boy?
James: How did I get here..?
Me: We slept in here together.
James: Where are my clothes?
Me: Right here. *tosses them in his face* Sal came and asked if you wanted to grab a beer with him at his bar.
James: Yeah, I'll go. What time?
Me: Didn't say.
James: *gets dressed* *calls Sal* Hey, Sal? What time did you want me to meet you at the bar?
Sal Over Phone: 8:00 PM? That cool with you?
James: Yeah. Cya. *hangs up* 8:00 PM.
Me: Okay. I'll be here. Alone.
James: You could probably come with us. I'll just text him.
Me: Alright.
James: *texts Sal: hey can Annika come with us?*
Sal: *texts back: does she drink beer?*
James: *of course she does. she can also hold her liquor*
Sal: *awesome. yeah she can come*
James: He said you could.
Me: Sweet. *walks in bedroom and puts piercings in*
James: *brushes teeth and watches TV on couch* Do we have any bacon left?
Me: I'm not sure. I'll check. *looks in fridge* Nope.
James: Damn. *enters code on $50 iTunes card* I'm gonna buy Five Nights at Freddy's 1 and 2. I played it on your laptop. That game..I'm hooked, man.
Me: I know, right? It's some addicting shit.
James: Yeah.
Me: You have the iPhone 6, right?
James: Yeah.
Me: It should work just fine then.
James: Whatcha mean?
Me: My friend has a daughter, and she has an iPod gen 4. She bought Five Nights at Freddy's 2, it crashes everytime it gets to the loading screen. She got a refund, though.
James: Oh..It should work. *buys it for $2.99* *loads really fast* Wanna see how good I can do?
Me: Sure. *climbs over back of couch and sits next to him*
James: *game starts up* *presses new game* *Phone Guy calls*
Me: Mute or listen?
James: Mute. *clicks Mute Call* *plays through* *flashlight battery goes out* Shit..*dies by Bonnie*
Me: Awe. Come here. Get in my clothes again.
James: *squints at me* I don't trust it..
Me: -.- C'mon.
James: Fine. *strips out of clothes and puts mine on*
Me: *snaps a quick picture again and uploads it to Twitter* *automatically gets 1,000 favorites* Ha!!!
James: T_T Seriously..?
Me: *reads off a comment: Did @jamessmurray get a sex change?* XD OMF..
James: *facepalms* *pulls out phone and replies to that comment: No. She's just being a jerk at the moment, lol. i still love her though!*
Me: Awe! *hugs you*

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