I'm In Love With A Joker: Part 57

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Me: I guess I can go..Bye, babe.

James: Bye.

(2 Hours Later)

James: *gets a text from me: I'm pregnant.* Uh..

Brian: What's wrong?

Joe: You being a pussy?

James: I-I have to go, guys..

Sal: Dude! What the hell is wrong with you?

James: Nothing. I'll, uh, call you later! *runs out*

Joe: James! *runs after and catches him* James, what the fuck?!

James: Joe, just go back inside.

Joe: What is up with you?!

James: Annika's pregnant, okay?!? Are you happy now?!

Joe: Oh..

James: *walks off and goes home* *texts me* Babe..How, when?!*

Me: *answers back: I just took a pregnancy test two minutes ago..Did you even use a condom?!?*

James: *texts back: I thought I did..?*

Me: *texts back: Just..Hurry home, okay?*

James: *texts back: Okay.* *unlocks door and walks in*

I'm In Love With A Joker: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now