
85 3 0


June 25th 2019

Zilas' Nineth Birthday

I've been doing me, following my dreams yeah, I've been doing me..

"Hey! You're old now!" I say, snickering as i burst into his bedroom.

Zilas throws his pillow at me, "Go away, im tryna sleep Fae"

"Dont call me that." I mutter, pulling him out of bed and bringing him downstairs.

"Why not" He asks as i go and get his present.

"Because its a terrible nickname" i say, handing him his gift, "Happy birthday you twerp"

I sit down on the arm of the couch as he lifts open the top, a smile spreads across his face as he was tackled by the three month old St. Bernard.

"What! How did you-"

An arm wrapped around my ass and i jumped, "Jeez Evan" i hissed, trying to have him let go of my ass.

"We both got it for you" he says, his voice all raspy and high.

I eventually shoved him away from me and he laughs, "but really Zilas, we did get him for you"

He smiles, "Thank You!" Zilas tackles me in a hug as Rocket sniffs the little pupper.

Zilas lets go and Evan stands up from the floor, "What are you gonna name him?"

The now nine year old looks intensely at his pup, "Ssss" he pauses, looking at me, "Sumo!"

Sumo barks in agreement and i giggle, picking up Rocket, "Cute"

The doorbell rings and i stand up, "I'll get it"

"Who is it?" Zilas asks as he hangs off the couch.

I open the door, and right away, a smile spreads on my face, "Jeff? I thought you weren't coming"

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