Leaving Tonight

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I'm leaving tonight
I'll be gone in the morning

"Where are we going? And who is this?" Zilas asks in the back seat as i take a left turn.

"We are gonna go home, then go on a trip" I reply. 

"Brian, nice to meet you." He answers, putting out his hand for my brother to shake. 

"Zilas" He replies softly.

"I know" Brian mutters in a low whisper. 

Zilas' eyes squint in his response then look up to me in the front seat, "A road trip where?"

"You'll find out once we get there." I reply, exiting my car to get the rest of the stuff that Brian didnt put in the moving truck. 

"Which is when- ohhh are we moving?" He asks, following me inside, and seeing the empty living room and kitchen. 

"Correct" I reply, lifting up the dog food and putting it on my shoulder, "It will take about.. 6 hours"

"Thats not that bad.." He says, grabbing the food in the cabinets and putting it in bags or containers, like he knew what i was going to say. 

"Mmhm, so no complaining, and you better sleep on the way there, im gonna need some help putting the furniture inside."

"Okay Faenoux" Zilas climbs into the backseat with Sumo jumping into his lap, he giggles, "Ready Sumo!" Sumo barks in response and I close the car door. 

"You buckled in?" I ask, looking at him munching on some carrots. Zilas nods, "And no barking" I point to Rocket and Sumo, but they just wag their tails. 

"They wont answer!" Zilas yells, smiling. 

I snicker in response, buckling my seatbelt, and pulling out of the driveway, "Say bye Zilas"

"Bye!" He makes Sumo wave the house goodbye, and for a split second i saw something in the window. 

Before i could say anything, my phone vibrates, and i stop the car at the stop sign. I glance at it, and smile, 

Snapchat from Daddy Long Legs


My eye shifts to my phone, "We're almost there" I say to Zilas who was looking out the window excitedly. I slow the car down and look for the address, 1215 Hart Avenue, my phone read, "Your destination is on the left" It spoke, and right when i pulled in to the outdoor garage, he ran out of the car, probably to choose a room.

I check the time, and let the pups run around the new, huge backyard. 11:29. i enter our new home, it was beautiful, and just the right size for the four of us. 

My body falls on the wall, next to the cute little tree, and i glance at my phone, seeing what Nuhthaynielle said a few hours before. 

-Hey, before we catch up, is my name still Daddy long legs?

I respond with a smile,

-Is mine still Hot Lucifer bro

To my surprise he was still up, and he responded

-Daddy screenshotted the chat!

-Hell yea, lmao

-Ok, but before i continue my life story-- Are you gonna be ok? I dont want to- scare you

-Im fine, i was just, i guess overwhelmed.. from you, the amount of people, and- i felt that i was being.. watched

"What..?" I whisper to myself, and quickly text back

-What do you mean by that? No no- dont answer that. 

It showed his bitmoji thinking, as in he was typing, i glanced around and exited the app, putting my phone in my back pocket, glancing at Brian opening the van doors. 

"You coming or not?" 

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