Do Re Mi

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And you got me thinking lately

Bitch, you crazy

And nothing's ever good enough

Do Re Mi Fa So fucking done with you girl

My legs twitch as i stand up to watch her drive away, and i finally take a step inside once her car was out of sight. 

"What happened?" Zilas asked on the couch as i slam the door shut. 

"you know exactly what happened," He doesnt look at me, and i continue, "I saw you in the window, you aint slick" I tackle him and he giggles.

"I couldnt help it! It was entertaining" He says between giggles. 

I shake my head, letting go and having him fall on the carpet, "Get dressed, we're going out"

He obeys and i felt the couch get heavier, "Good job Fae! You got rid of her!" Brian says as HABIT pats my back

"How does it feel?" He asks.

"Like im not finished- I still have problems, she was a small portion of it" I mutter, getting up slowly. 

"What do you mean?" Observer asks, watching me stumble over to the staircase.

"You know Zilas guys, hes still tormented over Slenderman- and we need to get out of here because of that" I pause midstep, "And so she cant find us"

They clap like i said an inspirational speech, "Where you going?" HABIT asks.

"Cant tell you, you'll find out sooner or later anyway"

Finally, i make it to the second floor, and Zilas nearly knocks me down, "S-s-someones in th-there.." He shakes in my arms as i grip him tight, 

"Go downstairs, ill deal with this.." I say, pulling out my knife in my jean pocket as he stumbles down the stairs to Sumo. My feet carefully step towards his bedroom door and i slowly push it open. 

An earpiecing screech rips out when i open the door and i started to feel woozy. "Zi!" I yell as loud as i could, "Grab the dogs and go in the car! NOW" My breathing hitched as i fell into the doorway, the man with no face tilted his head as i fell, until a whisper erupts me, 


My eye snaps open and i sprint down the stairs and outside, getting in my car as fast as i could and drove off. 

"What was that?!" I yell at Zilas as he shutters in the back with Sumo crying in his arms.

"I-I dont know!" 

The car screeches as i turn, and i stop viciously, taking a deep breath, "Zilas, come up here and tell me everything" 

The small child climbs over the arm rest and sits in the passenger seat, buckling as i get on the highway, turning down the volume to hear his soft voice. 

Sumo yips as he climbs into his lap and Zilas glances into the window as it starts to rain. 

"So, when i-i was first brought to the orphanage, i was about a month old, but i still remember that day like it was yesterday," He starts to shake, so i take his small hand in mine. "Mom- literally shoved me in the ladys arms and said- she said- 'I dont want to look at his face anymore'" His breathing hitched, like he started to cry, but he continued, "She ended up running away, and the caretaker took me in, and- and loved me like a normal mother would. She raised me like her own son, but, no one would play with me because of my face.. She died.. Faenoux, she died-"

I watched the tears stream down his mismatched cheeks and i squeeze his hand gently, "its ok, im here now"

He nods, and i felt so heartbroken, i cant bring the dead back to life...

"After her death, the orphanage changed completely, so different, that i didnt even know where i was going anymore, but of course no one helped me." He twitched, "So i made a friend with the faceless man- but i didnt know he was bad, i thought he was gonna help me- but he lied

Everyone lied to me"

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