Bury a Friend

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What do you want from me?

Why dont you run from me?

Why arent you scared of me?

Why do you care for me?

"Uh... Aaron-Aj i mean? Are you ok..?" I ask as i wave my hand in her blank face.

She jumps, "Sorry, i kinda zoned out a little"

"What did you mean about 'deep shit'?" I ask, glancing at little HABIT.

She twitches and looks into my eye, "Never mind.." She pauses, "Can You, uh.. Show me those demons of yours?"

I nod, "Sure.. Ish" i smile at her as I chuck little HABIT across the room.

She laughs, "What was that for?"

I put up my fingers, "Three, two, one" I whisper.

My bedroom door bursts open, "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU THROW ME!" HABIT yells, but then before he attacks, he looks at AJ, "Woah, what were you doing here without me!"

I scoff, rolling my eye, "HABIT this is-"

"Aaron Jacklynn Peterson" he looks at me before i even say anything, "Yeah, I know her"

AJ shakes and grabs my arm, "I-I havent seen you in a while"

"Yeep. Hows it goin', seems like you've mert my bestie, Mr. Whauless" he says, picking up little HABIT.

"And I told you to take care of h-me" he tosses the stuffed rabbit at me, "He has feelings too"

I snicker, "Yeah, suuuurrreeee"

He goes to slap me, but pauses, "Wheres your mask? Thought you didnt like your face"

"Im not in public you ass" i say blankly

AJ looks at me, "Hides it?"

"Yeah.. I dont want people,.. Uh... Staring"

HABIT smiles, clearly knowing thst was a lie, "Im gonna go," He opens tge door, "DONT throw little me again"

I smile and nod, "Got it"

"What about the others?" She asks as i get up off my bed.

"I cant really summon those two.. I didnt even know HABIT would come when I threw little him" i snicker, "Would you like something to eat?" I ask, opening my door and walking towards the stairs.

AJ follows, "Sure why not"

I give her some crackers and sit across from her at my dining table.

I make a little cheese and cracker sandwich and she quietly watches.

"What?" I giggle with crackers still in my mouth.

"Nothing.. Tell me a little about yourself.. I feel like a stranger here still."

I smile, "Okie, I am 18 years old, i just graduated high school a little while ago. I have two dogs and a little brother, you know that. Uh.. Whenni was 16 I got in a car crash and lost my dad, and my mom, because she disowned me-"

"I'm sorry." She said.

I nod, as a thanks, and continue, "But I did end up where i am now. Being a happy feck." I giggle and she smiles, "What about you?"

"Uh.." She giggles, "Im 17, and I, too, just graduated. When i was 12, my younger brother died at 10 years old, and my mother also died in a crash."

"Im sorry Aaron, it must be hard for you"

"Yeah, I dont really remember them.."

"Can i ask a personal question?" I mutter, going for some more crackers.

She nods as I take a bite.

"How did your brother die?" I ask softly, "You dont have to answer if you dont want to"

"Mayjor died by.. His organs collapsing. We knew he wasnt going to live forever, because of his condition, but we didnt expect him to leave us so early"

I was expecting her to burst into tears, but she just sadly looked at her crackers.

I gently take her hand, "We both lost someone"

She looks up and smiles, "Yeah.."

We glance in eachothers eyes for a moment, and i really wanted to tell her all my problems.

That im a murderer and it's not my fault.

That im the masked murderer all over the news.

But she cant know, she'll call the cops and get me arrested.

Thats why i cant trust her

A/n yeah this took a while for me to post. And idk why. I had it all written down in my notebook since the last chapter was posted and yet, I still didnt type it. Rip.

Welp here it is.

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