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If 'i love you' was a promise, would you break it, if you're honest?

"Alright, im ready.." I say in between a sigh.

HABIT literally jumps up and down like hes five, "You wont regret this! Its gonna be fucking fantastic!"

"Surrreeee.. Torturing people is fun" I mumble.

"C'mon smile for me, it'll be the best! it Will make you feel better" he says.

"But what if those girls are gonna call the cops on me?"

"They wont kid, they were clearly checking you out"

"Im gonna kill you!" I yell, chasing him around.

He giggles, teleporting on the stairs, "im not lying kid.. Lets get going"

I pull on my new, full face mask, and smile, picking up my chainsaw..

I was actually excited.

"Hell yeah that's the spirit!" HABIT giggles as I rev my chainsaw.

"Alright, you see that fucker over there?" HABIT asks once he teleports us to the middle of a woods somewhere.

I nod as he continues, "I want you to go and rip him into little pieces, so small, you cant even tell if he was human"

I shiver at the thought, "are you sure i should be doing this?"

He places his hand on my back, "You were born to do this"

I shake my head and smile, "You're right, like anyone liked me anyway"

My legs start running and i laugh hysterically.

And I swear

I lost my mind.

My door slams open, hitting the wall behind it, "WAKE UP LIEUTENANT! ITS ME, CONNOR" Zilaz yells.

I groan and roll over, "What is wrong with you?" I giggle under my pillow.

"Im Connor! See!" Zilas yells. I peek from under my pillow, seeing that he made his hair all swoopy and gel-like.

"So You're saying im Hank" i Mumble as he hops over to the side of my bed.

"Well No, but I do have Sumo!" He says, petting the small pup, that he put on my bed.

I grab him and pull him under my blankets, tackling him, "AHH! I got you!" I say between giggles.

"Ahh! Sumo! Attack!" Zilas says as i tickle him.

Sumo yips in response, bouncing to the edge of my bed.

Zilas giggles uncontrollably, "Stop! Im gonna pee! And we're on your bed!" He yells.

I stop and smile, "Wheres Rocket?"

He shrugs, and makes an 'i donno' noise.

I shove him off my bed, "You're no help"

I step over him and pick up Sumo, "Have You seen him?"

His tail wags, "Guess that's a no"

"Hey! Sumos my pup!" Zilas yells, bundled up in my blanket

"Whatever" i mumble, walking out of my room, "Rocket?"

I go to the stairs, but run into Brian, "Brian...?"

He pulls me into the bathroom, "Why'd You do that?"


His hands slapped on my shoulders, "Why did you kill those innocent children?"

"What? That happened?"

He noda and i tripped backwards into the door, "W-wh-I'm a murderer! Oh no.."

He nods, "yeah, and it's all over the news"

"But we were in the middle of the woods"

"Right by a high school Faenoux!" He yells as i sink down to the floor, almost crying in my knees.

But something hits me,

Real hard.

It felt like reality just caught up to me,

Like my whole lifes been a lie,

Until now.

"Faenoux? A-are you okay?" Brian asks, shaking me back to reality.

"Im better than ok," I say, smiling widely and pulling out my knife, "But im not done.."

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