Falling For You

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I was hanging with you and then i realized.. I didnt think it was true, i was surprised. When i found out i'd fallen for you...

AJ's PoV

I ring the doorbell.

I had to, I've been worried.

I dont even know the guy...

Oh goddamnit Aaron! Why am i here? Im just gonna leave..

My feet pivot and I go to my car, but the door opens

"Hi! I-"

He literally grabs me and pulls me in his house, i was so scared.

I was thrown on a chair, "Why are You here?"

"I was worried about You" i mumble, feeling my eyes get wet, from fear.

"You dont even know me! Why?" His loud voice softens, and the light focuses on his face.

"You're hurt.." I whisper, trying to touch his face, but he slaps it away.

"Why?" He repeats.

"I-I was worried, you seemed so lost.. All the murders happening near here was making me scared for you and your brother"

He takes a step back, "really?"

I nod and he nearly falls to the floor, "Im sorry, i wasnt thinking"

"Hey.. Its ok" i say, walking over to him. I gently rub his shoulders, realizing he has both arms.

Must be a prosthetic.. I think, as he looks up at me, "Faenoux" he mutters..

"Ph-Faenoux?" I stutter, "That's your name?"

He nods, "I'm sorry, sometimes i get really paranoid, this years been.. Rough for us"

I glance into his red eye, "Us?"

Faenoux turns around, nodding to someone in the dark, on the stairs.

A little boy and his pup come running in, and i think I just died, they were so cute.

I smile, "You must be Zilas!"

He giggles, "Yup!"

I was about to go play with Zilas, but Faenoux stands up and mumbles a, 'Follow me'

I follow him into a bedroom, which i assumed was his.

He sits down and motions me to sit beside him.

He sighs, "Aaron I-"

"AJ, you can call me that"

"Im sorry, but u cant let you just become a new friend of mine.. Like I said, when we first met, i have a whole lot of shit going down, and i dont want a pretty little girl like you getting hurt" He says, barely glancing at me.

I didnt know what to say, "...Hurt how?"

Faenoux shifts on the bed, "If I told you, you wouldnt believe me, you would call me crazy, and leave me" he chuckles, grabbing a stuffed rabbit, glancing at me.

My brown eyes gaze at the stuffed rabbit in his hands, i smile at him, "try me, i might believe you. Well shit Faenoux, believe me or not, but I've seen some shit that was only known as", I make air quotes, "Myths"

Faenoux smiles at his rabbit, "Like What"

I lean into him, whispering, "Have You ever heard of the rake?" He shakes his head whilst i continue, "He is pasty white, like me in the winter, with dark eyes and claw-like hands"

Faenouxs eye widens, "Ok, I get it, you've seen things"

"Then what's going on..?" I ask, softening my voice.

"I-uh.. Three demons are, helping me get away from the rake and slenderman, but there has been some consequences..."

"Demons?" I ask. I havent met any demons,.. Did I?

"Yeah" ive bonded with them, one even gave me this" He held up his rabbit, and i made out what it spelt out on the hoodie, H-A-B-I-T.

I was thrown back eight years, I swear, where i met that demon.

"HABIT?" I choke out.

"You know him."

I nod slowly, "What are the other demon names?"

"The observer and, hoodie.. I think? I just call him Brian."

A shudder went up my spine, "Faenoux... You are in some deep shit"

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