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Are we still friends?

Can we be friends?

The car haults to a stop and i pull up the e-brake, glancing over at him, "Zilas, i never lied to you.."

He nods, but doesnt respond. I glance at Rocket in my mirror and shrug, until i jump when Zilas grasps my forearm really tight. 

"Faenoux i really need you to tell the truth-" He pauses and i look into his multicolored eyes, they were filled with fear, "Are you-are you the killer on the loose? The one thats been killing innocent people left and right, causing fear in everyone, so bad that they cant leave their homes?" 

My heart dropped, and i drop into the back of my chair, rubbing my eye, "Zilas im sorry-"

"Just tell me the truth!" He yells out, tears streaming down his face, i've never seen him this bad. 

"Yes! It was me! Im so sorry- I-I didnt know what was going to happen- i didnt know what to do" 

Zilas doesnt say anything, all he does is bury his head into my shoulder, crying into it, "Thank you-" He muttered in my shirt, "Thank you for not lying to me" 

"You're not mad?" I ask, resting my head on his. 

"Nope- just dont get caught.. I dont want to be alone again" He sits up and looks at me, wiping his tears.

"I wont, i wont" I say, unbuckling my seatbelt., "Lets go get some lunch"  I make sure the windows are rolled down for the dogs, and enter the restaurant with my little brother. 

The waitress shows us our seats, it was a cute little window seat for four people, we sat across from each other. 

"My name is Lilly, and i will be your waitress for today, here are your menu's, and ill be back for drinks in a bit"  

"Thank you" I say to her as she smiles, leaving our table. 

"She was pretty, you should ask her out!" Zilas says, smiling at me. 

"Zilas thats not how it works" I giggle, "And i doubt she'd date this wreck" I mention my messed up face and he tilts his head.

"You arent ugly!"

"Aww-" I smile

"You're hideous, how can you live like that!" He yells out, bouncing in the seat

"Zilas Henry- You're the worst" I put my legs on him, holding him in place. 

"Hey! I cant move!" He squirms. 

"Thats the point, so what are you gonna get?" I ask him, dropping my long legs to the floor. 

"Uhhmmm" He picks up his kids menu and scribbles all over it, "Noodles!" 

"I meant for a drink" 

"Ohhhhhh, Chocolate milk!" He says excitedly. Zilas' attention reverts to one of the flat screens in the restaurant, "Faenoux, look" I follow his small child finger to the television, to see a news broadcast, and it showed our house on it. 

Without thinking, i got up and walked over to the bar, "Excuse me, but can you turn up that news broadcast..?" The bartender doesnt reply, but he pulls out a remote and turns up the volume, "Thank you" 

I plop down on the bar stool and listen to what the news reporter has to say. 

"Tonight we discovered that someone with the last name Whauless-" I cringe at her mispronunciation of my last name, but keep listening, "Has had a break in without knowing. We do have the neighbors here to tell us what happened" The camera switches over to my neighbors from across the street, the Yins, "We saw them leave in a rush about a half hour ago, but noticed shadows i the house still. Only two of them live there, and two dogs, and they all left in the car, so we knew it was a break in"

"Do you have any contact with them?"

They shake their heads, "Fuck-" I mutter as she continues. 

"We do have the criminal here, her name is Aaron Peterson" The news reporter holds her mic to her in the police car. 

"He tried to kill me! He hurt me, and im going to get revenge" Aaron says, her eyes looking directly at me on all the tv screens playing the news. 

"Do you have the owners name officer?" The news reporter asks as the police car with Aaron in it leaves. 

"His name is Phoenix Whauless, and thats all we got" 

The camera turns to her, "Im Lindsey Rockingham, and this is the 5 o'clock news" 

It switches to ads and i glance at the bartender, "Im guessing shes your ex?"

"Not exactly" I chuckle, "Glad i didnt date her though" I stand up, "Thanks for that though"  He nods to me as i go back to my table. 

My foot gets caught on a chair, and i quickly catch myself, "Excuse me"

"Oh sorry" She scoots in as i pass through, and i make my way to my table. 

Before i make it to my little brother, a hand grabs my wrist. I glance back to see the same lady that i tripped over. We glance into each others eyes for a minute, like we were both scanning faces. Until i speak up, "Jaycee?" 

She blinks several times, but doesnt say anything, she goes to open her mouth, but someone elses voice speaks up, "Faenoux..?" 

My heart nearly died, oh my god i swear i felt death's cloak touch me, my eye twitches to see him. 

Without any words, he stood up and hugged me really tight pushing the tears out of me. 

"i-i thought i would never see you again.." I said in a whisper, i glance at his table, "You have fuckin kids, woah.. ive been missing out" 

He smiles his famous smile, glancing down at me, "Lets sit and talk about what happened, shall we?" 

I nod, and bring him over to my table, "Sit" He follows, sitting down across from Zilas, i sit across from him. 

"You have a son too?" 

I giggle and Zilas gasps, "Im his brother! Get your facts right stranger"

I sit up straight in my seat and wipe my eye, "Now lets catch up"

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