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Tell me pretty lies 

Look me in the face 

Tell me that you love me 

Even if it's fake 

'Cause I don't fucking care, 

at all

"Enjoy your meal!" The waiter says, giving us our meal. 

I smile at him, as a thank you, then dont even touch it. Zilas does the same, "What are we going to do about home?" He asks as i play with the fancy napkin that held my utensils. 

I tilt my head, just watching my fork roll off the napkin, "Im not.." Zilas twitches slightly, his hand jumped up like a spider, "Sure"

"Are we going to stay here.." He pauses for me to answer, but he notices i was slightly confused, "In Ocean, i mean"

"Oh no- fuck no" I spit out, "I need you to be safe and not be damaged like me, ok?"

"You're coming with me then, right? To- where ever we're going." He asks, biting his lip, and fumbling with his napkin

"Yeah obviously. We need to get the hell out of New Jersey" I snicker, stirring my drink with the plastic straw. 

We sit in silence for a while and i watch Zilas eat his spaghetti until he slurps up his noodle, and glances at me with his multicolored eyes, "You know, we kinda sound like Kara and Alice trying to escape to Canada. Can we move to Canada!"

I giggle at his enthusiasm, "No Zi, thats across the border, like the game. And yea, we do sound like them," He makes an awe noise, "Except we are brothers, not mother and daughter"

"True-" He glances over at my drink, "Why didnt you get anything to eat?"

"Im not hungry, and it isnt fun cleaning my mask" I explain. 

"Oh- gross why did you have to tell me that"

"You asked!"

Zilas makes fake gagging noises and mutters, "I think im going to be sick"

"Zi, someones gonna think you arent joking" I say, gently kicking him in the shin. 

A silence fell in the restaurant and my eye shifts to the bathroom, and i saw someone waving me, specifically over. 

"Ill be right back, dont do anything." I say to Zilas, as i get up. 

He nods, and i make my way past all the tables with loving families, and their children. 

The door locks as i enter the mens restroom. 

"I found a place" Brian says, hands on the sink, glancing at me in the mirror. His eyes were glossy, and lifeless, he turns to face me, "But you cant tell anyone"

"What do you mean?" I ask, taking a step towards him, my size 13 Nike air high tops squeaking on the water, but when i glanced down, it was blood, fresh blood. My hair gently brushes my scarred cheek as i looked up, grimacing. 

Brians nose was bleeding, and his left cheek was bruised, where his scar was, "I mean," He takes a deep breath, then spits in the sink, "I need you to leave, before he comes back, or you'll all be dead, for sure"

I blinked, "all? What do you mean by all?"

He wipes his nose to get rid of the excessive bleeding, "You, Nuhthaynielle, Zilas, Jaycee, Ben, Jonathan, and his triplet children"

"Holy shit.." I whisper to myself, "Where is it?"

"Maine, we already have your stuff in a moving truck, i just came here to get you" Brian explains, stumbling on the sink, attempting to stand upright. I go to help him, but he puts his hand out, "Im ok-"

"Maine..? Thats 4 states away!" I exclaim. 

"The farther the better" He says, opening the bathroom door and holding it open for me, "Now we better go-"

"Wait, i need to pay..,"

"Already did." He pauses, looking at me, i go to ask another question, but he cuts me off, "And i have my ways" 

"I didnt even- oh yeah" I say, remembering he can read my mind. 

Brian, Zilas, and I made our way out of the restaurant, but someone catches my arm, "Wait-"

Nuhthaynielle stumbles into my arms, and i quickly catch him, "Yeah?"

"Will i ever see you again?"

I shrug, "Do you still have Snap?"

He giggles, "Yeah"

"There you go" I say, starting my way to my car, "See you in another life" 

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