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I used to dream every night, now i never dream at all.

I just wanna fit in, but nobody was helping me out.

???'s PoV

I glance down at my phone, 'new email', it read. My head tilted, really, they need help, again?

But it wasnt who i thought it was.

It was from an adoption center, it read,

             Dear Mr. Peterson,
                                                I know you just adopter your new son a few months ago, but remember, if you aren't satisfied, you can bring him back.

I kept scrolling, because it didnt end there, and i found a P.S.

P.S., please, dont bring him back, he scared the kids and all of the adults, please..

I glance at my roommate, "Hey Nick?"

"Hmm?" She responds, looking up from her laptop.

"Can you look at this for me? Im really confused.."

Nicky closes her laptop and glances at the Email, "You adopted a kid?"

"No, I didn't" i show her the P.S., "Theres something odd about this orphanage.."

"Agreed" She says, looking up the orphanage on her laptop, "Did they mention the name of the child?"

"No.. And im confused why it said Mr. Peterson.."

"Look at the address.." Nicky mumbles, deep into her research.

"It says Aaron Peterson" i say, "Then someone used my name.."

"Look, this one was adopted in February" I glance at her laptop, and she goes to click on it, but it doesnt work.

"Hm, makes sense, since hes been gone" I say.

"Wait Look" She says, zooming in on his description, "52 Ulysses Park.." She mumbles, "Lets go."

I start my mini coop and Nicky pulls up the directions, "ok turn left here.. And it says it should be on the right"


"No there!" She yells.

I giggle and get out of the car, "what a ride"

"C'mon AJ!" Nicky yells, grabbing my arm and pulling me to his front door.

A tall young man answers the door, "Yes?"

I fidget on my shirt and attempt not to check him out.

But i couldnt help but notice how he was holding an icepack to his face with the opposite arm, and how he didnt even have a left arm.

Mya nudges me, "Oh, uhm, my name is Aaron Peterson, and i think you used my name to adopt your son.., am i right?"

Everyone pauses, even the kids playing videogames, and the dogs chasing after eachother.

"Well yes-"

"Ok then i have some questions"

"Wait, theres actually someone named Aaron Peterson? With the nickname AJ?"

I nod, confused, again.

"Then whats your middle name?"

"Its Jacklynn, but that's off topic-"

"Hold it cutie, i dont have a son, I have a brother, and thats none of your business"

I felt my face warm up, but I shook my head, "Wait brother? But-"

"Yeah brother, and thats all you're gonna learn, so bye." He goes to close the door.

"Wait!" I say, putting my foot between the door, stopping it from closing, "Why did you use my name?"

"What?" He snaps, almost instantly.

"My name, its not yours, your last name is Whauless, why'd you lie?" I ask, looking into his eye

"I-" he pauses, looking behind him, whispering something, "Look, theres so much shit going on and i dont want any strangers knowing about and getting involved with, so can you please go?"

I sigh, and look at Nicky, who was on her phone, "ok.."

"Who was that guy?" Nicky asks on our way home.

"I dont know, but i think we just got ourselves in some deep shit" i say, my eyes shifting from left to right to turn.

"I dont care who he is, but he was hot!"

"Nick!" I yell as she giggles.

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