Some Girl

17 1 0

Where do i go?

Where do i find her?

I smile at Evan who was attempting to eat his ice cream fast enough so it didnt stick to his hands, and slow enough to savor it. He glances at me as a car whizzed by and made his long hair go in his mouth. 

I giggle as he spat it out, "What?" He asks as i lick my creamsicle

"You look crazy" I snicker as he rolls his eyes. 

"Why are we here again?" Evan says, waving his hand to rid the mosquitos. 

I shrug, "To chill, first day without Zilas" 

"I cant believe you actually sent him to summer camp" He mutters in his ice cream. 

Before i could reply, someone places their hand on my shoulder, and for some reason, i knew exactly who it was. 

"We- need to talk" His voice echoed in my head as darkness filled my eyesight. 

"Its about your little girlfriend" The observer says as i sit down in a little meeting room.

I twitch in the chair as they all stare into my soul, "Shes not my girlfriend"

"You like her though.. So she is" Brian says. 

I shake my head, "She is-"

"Enough" HABIT says, slamming his hands on the table hard enough to make me jump, and silence everyone, "What we are trying to say is that,"

"Shes cute and all, but-" Brian stops talking, placing his hands in his pockets as HABIT clears his throat, glancing back at me after his death glare.

"Zilas is right, shes lying," He stops talking and pulls out little him, "And we have proof" 

"Little HABIT? What?" I mutter under my breath, "How is she lying"

"Faenoux, i know this is completely out of nowhere, but we're telling the truth" The observer says, and for once, hes not smiling. 

"oh shit-" I glance over at little HABIT, and realize hes not all sweet and cute as he was before, "what happened to you?"

"SHE BURNED ME IS WHAT HAPPENED" HABIT yells, but i didnt jump this time, i sat upright, taking in what they are trying to tell me, the little demon continued, taking a deep breath, "Faenoux, i know Aarons cute and all, with her adorable freckles and cheeky smile, but, underneath all that, is the lies she holds"

I take in a shaky breath, "Wh-what- what do you- what do you mean?" 

"He means, that whatever the fuck she mentioned about her brother was wrong." Brian says. 

"She killed him Faenoux, and dont you fucking think we are lying because i swear to god, shes crazy" HABIT says, placing a hand on mine as i shake. 

"How did she kill him?" I ask, knowing that they were the ones that looked out for me since i was left to venge for myself.

brought me family.

gave me life.

"In 2009, Aaron, and her little brother, Mayjor, lost their mother in a car crash, so everyone was a wreck. The 12 and 10 year old siblings were playing, but Aaron, has.." He pauses, like hes trying to be nice, "Issues i guess, and got really pissy at him, so she took his favorite toy, placed it on the edge of the two story houses roof, and had the little ten year old find it."

I blinked, "This is nothing on how she said he died"

HABIT nods, continuing, "Aaron, found her brother, and, she fucking pushed him off the roof like he was nothing and watched him fall to his death"

"Oh jesus christ i need to get rid of her- And shes with Zi!" I jump up and ignore the fact that the chair just fell and my legs got attacked by the edge of the table, "Bring me bacK!" I yell as i open the door. 

"Have fun buddy!" HABIT yells giving me a thumbs up with the observer smiling over his shoulder and Brian clapping. 

They are weird as fuck. 

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