November Has Come

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Aarons PoV

November 1st 

November has come~

Hours before the break-in

"Ugh what the fuck!" I yell, banging my hands on my steering wheel as i drive home. I sensed him watching me drive home, so i sped up, until i reached my street. 

The door slams open as i enter our small house.

"Woah! Are you on your period or something?" Nicky yells, dropping her cereal. 

"He-He found out!" I yell in anger. 

"Well it was gonna happen sooner or later" Nicky mumbled, pouring another cereal bowl. 

"Ugh! You can at least help me out!" I fall on the couch. 

"Yes of course-" She sits down next to me and i rest my head on her lap, but it backfired because she put her cereal bowl on top, "So, tell me what happened" Nicky switches the television off and takes a bite of her fuckin Lucky Charms. 

"So i was driving back to his house with his little brother Zilas, and he knew, way before Faenoux did actually.. Little Zilas yelled at me in the car for killing Mayjor, then when i got to their house Faenoux yelled at me. He said he shouldn't've trusted me, with him, or his brother. Then he went full on manic with me and called me a murderer"

Nicky doesnt answer. 

"Nick? Were you listening?" I ask. 

"Well you did kill him" Nicky emphasises, taking another bite of her marshmallow-filled cereal.

"Nick!" I yell.

"How did he find out?" She asks, trying to find out how they knew.

"I mean i would say Zilas, but hes just a child- i didnt believe what Faenoux saying about me lying to him, or he knows about my secrets." I explain.

"Ok.. did he mention anything that would have lead him to finding out..?"

"Uhmm.. no.." I say, trying to think.

"Are you sure?" She asks, her question echoing in my head.

"HABIT. It was him, i know it" I say, "If only- If only he didnt fuck up my whole life, faenoux wouldve never found out" I rub my face in anger. 

"HABIT huh, havent heard of him in a few years" Nicky says, glancing off in a distance, "You know where he lives right?"

"Yeah.. why..?" I ask, suspiciously. 

Usually when she does that, shes planning something, and her plans, are terrible. Every single time we almost died, got arrested, or it straight up backfired. 

"We're going to break in his house, and ruin it." She gets up and i sit up. 

"What- what do you mean?" I ask, fixing my hair. 

She slams her bowl in the sink, "we're going to break in."

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