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Can't we just talk?

Talk about where we're going

Before we get lost

I smile at Zilas in the backseat of my car, he was playing with the bugs on the outside of the window as it held on for dear life. His hair was filled with twigs and leaves, his face had dirt smudged all over it, and he was rosy all over from the sun being on him all day. 

"Did you have fun?" I ask as i turn down the music. 

No reply.

"Are you ok Zi?"

"Zilas" He mutters under his breath, whipping his head to face foreword, his eyes glared at me through the mirror, "And i know what you did"

My breathing hitched as i pulled into the driveway, but before i could get out, he starts up again.

"You killed him didnt you?" He pushes as i get out of the car, speedwalking to the front door. 

"What did you do?" Faenoux growls as i run into him. 

"W-What do you mean? I didnt do anything!" I yell, trying to pity him, but he already knew, someone told him..


Zilas runs into his brothers arms, "She was about to hurt me Faenoux!" He yells as he buries himself in Faenouxs shirt. 

That was it. 

I fell to my knees in agony, "Im sorry-Im sorry i lied to you, im sorry i loved you, and im sorry that you trusted me" 

I glance up and look into his eyes, they were all watery, "Go inside Zilas, ill deal with this"

The child obeys and Faenoux sits down next to me, "Aaron- why did you lie- about- everything" 

I shake my head, "I didnt want to be arrested, or framed for murder, or-"

"Well you do fucking deserve that for lying to my brother and i"


"Why did you lie?" He asks me

"Because i didnt know how you would react, how anyone would react actually" I pause and look into his eye, "Can i stay?"

He laughs a manical laugh that i havent ever heard him do before, making me twitch, "What are you fucking crazy? Oh wait you are, you fucking killed your little brother, why would i trust you with mine, who knows what you'll do next at that rate" 

Faenoux starts to get up, but i grab his arm, "Please! Ill do anything!" 

Faenoux pauses, "How about you go live with you dad, i bet hed be glad you came back" He slams the door in my face and i get in my car, bawling.

I knew this day would come, but not now

Why now?

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