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I wanna be alone,

alone with you, does that make sense?

I burst through my bathroom door, about to run out of my house, but someone stops me.

"Hold it right there, Faenoux.. I cant let you go"

"Why not..?" I ask as he pulls me into my room.

"Because.." He sighs, "I need you kid. A lot of people need you.. Even that girl you met the other day" I dont reply, so he continues, "You remember the first time you met me?" I nod, as he rolls up my sleeve, revealing the big ass three written on my forearm. "Forget about this" He says, smudging it with one swift swipe.

"how did you-" I pause, "Nevermind, why though..?"

He pulls out a normal sized present behind his back, "Open it, its a, late birthday gift."

"Very late" I say, not hesitating to open it, but i pause, "HABIT, what the fuck-" 

He giggles, "Happy 18th birthday, I got you a floppy-eared one, cuz i know you like those"

I lift up the stuffed rabbit, and examine it. It was a floppy-eared rabbit like he said, my favorite kind of rabbit.  It was dark purple, and had a small hoodie on, with the word HABIT printed on it. I glance up at the demon, "You know, i havent touched a stuffed animal since i was a kid"

"I know." He steps back into the hall, "Take care of me"

"Huh? Did i hear you right?" I ask, snickering, holding the plush in my hands, gently caressing its soft fur.

"Yup! That thing is basically a stuffed me. I need you to take good care of him for me, he pauses, " ok kid?"

I nod, "Sure"

He strolls out of my room, disappearing once he left. I go to place little HABIT on my bed, in between my pillows, but i felt something crinkle in his pockets. I pull out a nicely folded paper, and glance at little HABIT suspiciously as i open it, and i couldnt believe my eyes.

It was a list..

a murder list.

It was so specific too. Full names, addresses, where and when to kill them, how to do it, and their weaknesses. All of this was owned by this little rabbit named HABIT, that could fit on a three year olds lap perfectly.

Then it hit me,

He trusts me enough to go out and kill others,  he must be testing me. Testing me to see if i can do it on my own.. alone.

A/n- Thats what little HABIT looks like, but purple

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