Broken People

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We're broken people now
We're burning out

One year later

"Zi! Did you set the table?" I yell, wiping the watermelon juice off my cheek as i cut it open. 

"Yesth! I did!" He yells back, running into me as i make my way to the backyard. 

"Were you swimming?" I ask, scoffing, placing the watermelon on the table. 

He shakes his head, water falling off his different hair, "When are they coming?" Zilas trips over Sumo and lands on him, "Sumo! Why are you so big!"

"In a few minutes," I walk over to them, "And you have to ask Sumo nicely to move" My ankles cracked as i crouched down, petting the big Saint Bernard, "Sumo would you please sleep somewhere else that isnt a doorway?"

His big, fluffy tail slaps on the grass and he gets up, having Zilas fall to the ground, "Ah!" 

"Thanks" I wave Sumo bye as Zilas glares at me, well attempts to glare because Rocket was licking his freckled cheek. It doesnt last long because a car horn goes off and the 10 year old jumps up, "They're here!" 

Zilas runs to open the front door, "Hi Uncle Nuhthaynielle!" 

"Uncle? Huh i thought you guys were brothers" Nuhthaynielle says, entering our house with three little four year olds trailing behind. 

"Happy fourth of July!" Jaycee says, giving me a hug, then Zilas, "We have sparklers Zi, want one?" 

He happily takes one, "Not in the house!" Jaycee says as he goes to find a lighter, "Kids right?"

"He is crazy, but also my brother, i dont have triplets like you." I say, and she slaps my shoulder in response.

We all wander outside to celebrate our independence, and i plop down in a chair, by the pool, i lean back and lower my hat, closing my eye. 

Im really glad Brian was on my side, even though he did hurt Nuhthaynielle, he did end up apologizing, because i did threaten him. At least we are all ok. All of us.

A giggle echoes nearby and i glance up seeing a blur of red and yellow zooming past me. "Zilas what did i tell you about running with sparklers!" Jaycee yells, handing her four year old son, Gerrahdde, a sparkler, "Be careful honey" 

"You ok?" Nuhth asks me, placing his hand on my shoulder, handing me an iced tea, "You looked," He sits across from me, and studies my face, "Never mind i dont know what you look like"

A smile escapes my lips, "Im ok, im just, thinking" I go to put my hand on my cheek, but it touches a bandage, "You didnt see that" I whisper to Nuhthaynielle, taking a sip of my cold drink. 

He smiles, and it was actually jocund, adorable even. "I have no clue if anyone has ever told you this, but your smile is so beautiful," I let my thoughts take over, i haven't complimented anyone, ever in my life, especially my best friends, "Even though you have had a rough time in your life, and you're all scratched up, your smile just has you forget every single thing that ruined you." He was about to say something, but i say one last sentence, "It makes you look like your adorable 15 year old self again."

We sit there for a minute or two, and i think about what i said, it felt good, it felt like i've been holding it in for years. 

Nuhthaynielle finally exhales, "You know, i didnt know you had it in you to show me how much you actually love me. I didnt know you were that kind of person. Thank you Faenoux, and i sure as hell love you too" 

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