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I got a feeling i think you should know I'm trying to find hope.

I put the cute drawing of Zilas' giraffe on our fridge then pass AJ to go up stairs, "He sure is the best"

I toss my shirt on my bed and pull out another one whilst Zi enters my room.

"Faenoux..?" He asks, holding one of his toy trucks and tripping on it from the weight.

"Hmm?" I answer, looking through my bureau for a shirt that isnt bland.

"Uhm you know Aaron isnt as she seems.." He sits on my bed and drives his truck on the sheets, "Right..?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, glancing at him bouncing on the bed gently as i slide a guardians of the galaxy shirt on, that had Rocket and Groot on it.

"She lied to you Faenoux, shes.. Suspicious.." He literally stops playing with his truck, and when he does that, i know hes being serious.

I sit down next to him on my bed, raising him up because of how light he is. "What do you mean?"

"She-she lied to me- twice.. Then thought I should trust her.. I can feel her lying- her lies- she did something" he twitches, "Something bad"

I gently rub his arm as he leans into me, "I-I just dont want you to get hurt again."

"Its ok Zi ill keep an eye on her, with my only eye"

He giggles and twitches again, "Just in case Right?"


i ruffle his hair and get up, "Go get dressed, we're gonna go to the lake"

His face lights up as he runs out of my room to put on some clothes.

I nearly hop down the stairs, almost dying from my feet misstepping and not being anywhere near the step.

Aj giggles at me, "What got you so happy?"

"Get ready, were gonna go to the lake" i say to her as i place my prosthetic hand on her real shoulder.

She glances at my hand, then back at my damaged face, "I dont have a suit"

"Dont need one" i say, going in the fridge to get some snacks, i glance at her with a smirk, "You can just go naked"

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