
15 3 0

But im still alone,

In my mind.

Ajs pov

I glance at my phone, 'Take drugs NOW'

Faenouxs hand slowly drags off mine and I swipe right on the reminder, "I- gotta go.."

"Wait.." He says.

I pause, "What's your number? Maybe we can chill sometime.."

I nod at his comment and scribble it on a napkin, "See You~" i Sing as I rush out his front door.

My hands fumble with the keys as i put them in, starting my car.

"Shit shit shit!" I yell, banging on the steering wheel.

I pull down the e-brake and go in reverse, pulling out of his driveway.

"I shouldve brought them with me! Why did i stay here for so long?"

"Because you chose to.."

"No I didn't! He distracted me! His-his.. Demons"

"You should kill him.."

"Yes- no! I can't do that!" I yell back, at no one, slamming on the brakes at the stoplight.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?"

It asks as a dump truck passes by while I breathe heavily from panic.

"N-no.. Can you just-"

"Just what?"

"Stop! Stop it! Stop talking to me!" I scream banging my head on the steering wheel.

The beeping of the cars behind me brings me back to reality and I blink back tears as i turn left to home.

"What's wrong Aaron?"

"Is it your brother?"

"The guilt you still have of killing him.. Pushing him off the roof of your house without feeling anything."

My foot slams on the brake, and I swear i sprained my foot from the pressure. I didnt even care that the people behind me smacked right into my car bumper from surprise.

I need to get out of here.

I need to shut up the voices that i keep hearing.

My hands start to sweat as i clumsily open the glove box to get my dads old gun.

My shaky fingers wrap around the handle as i bring it up to my chin.

"Do it, i dare you"

"Come on, kill yourself"

A knock on my window literally saved my life.

"Hey, are you ok-" before they finished their sentence, I shot them.

I didnt know what I was doing.

But i started to drive as fast as my small car could go.

I rush inside my house once i roughly parked in the driveway, running into the bathroom.

I grab the pills and swallow them raw, and take a deep breath,

I just killed a man.

I need to get out of here.


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