I Think

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"I think I've fallen in love.. This time i think its for real~" He sings, and god he's good at it.

Everytime I sing Nicky comes out of her room and tells me to be quiet cuz I suck. Psht she can only be a dick when she wants to.

"What ya smiling About?" Faenoux asks, glancing at me as he slows the car down to stop at the red light.

I lean back into the chair, "Just Nicky"

"What about her?"

"The fact that she always comes out of her room with her arms all weird," i snicker, "Like this," I put my arms out and turn to face him, giggling like crazy, not caring how red my face was getting, "And yells at me for singing terribly"

"Really?" He says after a few minutes of laughter.

I snort, "Yeah, cuz you can actually sing"

"Naw.." He then pauses and kinda glances around, like hes looking for something, "Was i singing?"

I snort like a small pig again, "Yeah-" i pause, "Wait how did yo- im confused"

"Same" He smiles, then in a low whisper, "I swear it was only in my head"

I shrug, kinda blushing, trying to hide it with my hoodie.

"Take your hoodie off, why you hide your face from me?" I hear him mutter, and weirdly enough, it was relevant.

Faenoux pulls in the driveway and climbs out of his small car. I follow, grabbing his bag from the trunk and waiting by the door for him to unlock it.

I smile as he gently lifts up the small 9 year old and carries him like a toddler in his arms.

"Uh can you-" He asks

"Oh, yeah" I move out of the way and he opens the door.

The couch whiffs as i sit down and wait for a 19 year old to join me.

He literally steps over his couch with his long ass legs and scares me. His smile made me smile as he sits down. Faenoux turned his body to me, "So-"

"Can i just say- what the fuck- why are you such a good older brother?"

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