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I think theres a flaw in my code,

These voices won't leave me alone.

I drag the knife on my arm, watching the blood pool in the sink as my lifeless eye looks at my reflection-

My phone rings.

I sit upright and right away, glance at my arm, no cut, must've been a dream. My hand shakily picks up my phone off the desk and I look to see whos calling.


I slide the green button, "Hel-"

"Hi, uh.. I know i was just there a few hours ago, but I- i need a place to stay" She says in a rushed voice, it even sounded like she was breathing heavy.

"Why? What happened?" I ask, brushing my messy hair out of my face.

"I-uh.." She pauses and whispers something i couldnt make out, "Please Faenoux.."

"Aaron, i dont have anymore rooms" i say, feeling guilty. I have my parents, but the last time I was in there was two years ago. 

"I-i can sleep on the couch!" She says, sounding even more desperate.

"Aaron Im-"

"Please.. you're the only one i have left" Her voice softens on the other line, and i sigh.

"Ok.. For how long?"

"I dont know.." She pauses, "Thanks though"

"You're welcome.. See you" i ha g up and look at my alarm clock, 3 am. I groan and flop on my bed, "What the fuck" i mutter under my breath, pretending to strangle myself with my empty left sleeve. I snicker, "Im fucking weird." But before I get go to get my prosthetic, something hits me.

'You're the only one i have left'

I push my lanky body upright, "Only on.. Then.. What happened to her dad?"

My eye glances at the ceiling, "She only mentioned her mom.and her brother dying.. I didnt even see her say the word dad.. Did she?" I slap myself, "She probably did and I forgot cuz of my shitty memory" I get up and run my fingers through my messy long hair, "I really need to stop talking to myself"

My decently bruised, long legs clumsily go down the stairs. I glance out the window once i get to the bottom and the bright light of her car as it pulls in blinds me. I go to open the door to greet her, but she rushes into me instead.

"Thank you, again Faenoux. I knew you would trust me"

I close the door whilst she still hugs me with her small stature. "So, you did say you would sleep on the couch, but my brothers extra loud at about 6:30 in the morning, no matter what day." I smile, thinking about little Zilas, "Hes such a ball of energy"

She slowly glances around my house, then stops at Rocket napping in his small bed next to the table holding our decently big flat screen.

"Aww whats his name?" Aj asks, crouching down to pet the Australian shepard dachshund mix.

"Rocket, but Aaron, are you ok with it?" I ask her, again, just to make sure.

"Where else would i sleep?" She stands up, looking at me with her beautiful brown eyes, that reminds me of honey.

"I can show you a room you might like," i start up the stairs, "Or might not.." I glance at her following me.

"Anything is better than a couch" She giggles.

I open the door to my room, "Yup, that's why you're sleeping with me"

Aj shakes her head, "Really? A-are yoy sure i can't sleep on the couch?" I smile as i notice her pale cheeks turn a light pink.

"I promise i wont take up the whole bed with my legs" i say, getting under the blankets and shutting off my desk light, "You coming? I wont bite, i promise, he'll I'm even missing an arm"

"Y-yeah, im coming" aj slowly takes off her clothes, leaving her in just a bra and shorts, and climbs in bed with me.

I smile, what the fuck is wrong with me, i think as i drift off.

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