Chapter Five: The Healing Cave

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Florence's POV
When that girl jumped from my trees I knew that if Gerdad was going to tell me to hurt her I wasn't going to. I rather get cast out of the tribe then hurt an innocent. I could tell that Lizzy was definitely Hadley's twin. Even though they act totally different. But I can understand why. Lizzy grew up without someone to protect her in this world. While Hadley grew up with her older brother protecting her from the evil in this world. "Lizzy, why'd you run away from your brother?'' I asked her.

"I ran away because he wanted to cross the Great Lake to the other side," she answered, "Do you know what happened to her?"

"To who?"

"My sister."

She pointed at Hadley when she did Hadley mumbled her name again. "She got hit with a laughing beetle's spray and was trying to get rid of it by hanging upside down." I explained, "While hanging upside down she fell of the rafters of her cell and hit her head. The impact of her head hitting the ground caused her to get knocked unconscious. When we found her she was barely breathing so we started preparing for a trip to the healing cave. She's been mumbling your name for a while now. Then we are to the present."

I could tell that it was a lot to take in. Knowing that her sister might die before they can actually talk to each other. By the time I got done explaining it we were entering the Healing Cave.

Lizzy's POV
When we entered the cave it was like no other cave I've seen before. It was full of a crystal like substance. But it wasn't crystal. I was just trying to get over the shock that my sister might not live to actually get to know me. I don't even know if she knows I exist.

As we walked through the cave the crystals were moving away to make room for us to walk. I started wishing that I could draw how beautiful it was. I reached out and touched one of the crystals but my hand went right through it. I couldn't believe that I was in one of the deep caverns of my planet. As we continued to go further down more types of crystals were showing up. One of the rainbow colored crystals reached out and tried to grab Hadley fro Owen's arms but Luke hit it back. A few of the crystals started forming kids from the past. Some formed adults. While one imparticaler formed a person that looks actually like me and Hadley. I reached out to touch it but it disappeared. "Guys, did you see that crystal statue?" I asked.

"What statues all I see are rock walls also what crystals," The boys answered.

"The crystals you've been swatting away from Hadley this whole time," I said.

"Those were the Glass Bats," Luke said.

"You guys can't see them," I said.

"Or you are just delusional," Gerdad said.

I started looking more closely when Florence came over and tapped me on the shoulder. "You see them too," he whispered.

"So I am not going crazy," I whispered, "Did you see the statues?"

"I only saw the one that looks like Hadley," he replied.

Florence's POV
We reached the main cavern in about 20 minutes. In the middle of the cavern was a table of crystal. "Owen go put her on the rock in the middle of the cavern," Luke instructed.

Owen did as he was told. He went and put Hadley on the crystal table. When he had her laying down he slowly backed away. When he was back beside Gerdad and Luke a voice echoed through the cavern saying, "WHAT IS YOUR BUSINESS ENTERING THE CENTER CHAMBER, CHILDREN?''

"We are here to he-heal my sister," Lizzy answered.

"Lizzy, who are you talking to?" Owen asked

"She's talking to the planet," Luke said in awe, "She was seeing the crystals while we were seeing rocks. She can see and hear the planets nature."

"Yeah I know," I said, "I can too."

"Wait!!" Gerdad said, "Why can they see the planet's nature and we can't?"

"THEY CAN'T BECAUSE THEY DON'T BELIEVE IN THE MY WAY OF PROVIDING THEM WITH EVERYTHING," the planet said, "THEY THINK THEY CAN SURVIVE WITHOUT ME. Plus Hadley is thinking about you two, so I am aloud to show you who I really am. Me and Hadley are connected to each other."

Lizzy repeated exactly what the planet told us besides the part about Hadley. I didn't know why she didn't but she didn't. Then someone started screaming.

Hadley's POV
I woke up screaming. Tears started streaming down my face. I was shaking. "HADLEY," a voice echoed.

I screamed even louder. "Hadley?'' a girl that looks like me asked.

"Y-y-y-yes," I stuttered.

The girl started crying. I don't know why. Owen ran over and hugged me. "Owen, that hurts," I said.

"Sorry," he replied, "Also, Hadley, I would like you met someone."

"Who?" I asked.

"Your twin sister," he answered.

"I don't have a twin," I replied, "It's always been you and I against the world. Plus I can't, twins don't exist in the world anymore."

"THEY DO AND THE GIRL BESIDE YOU IS YOUR TWIN," the voice echoed again making me scream.

"Stop screaming," the girl said, "It is just the planet speaking to you."

"Lizzy," I whispered.

I started thinking back to when I was younger. How I had an imaginary friend Lizzy. She was a little girl that looked just like me. She was my best friend. She was almost exactly like me but instead of being good with the trees she was good with rocks. "How do you know who I am?" she asked.

"You were my imaginary friend," I answered, "When I was younger."

"Hadley, this is Lizzy," Owen said.

Tears started streaming down my face. That's when I noticed Luke, Florence, and Gerdad were here also. "Why are they here," I mumbled.

Lizzy must have heard me. "They kinda saved your life," she answered.

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