Chapter Eighteen: Part Two: Reject Tribe Forms

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Forest's POV
When we disappeared I started freaking out. The planet is eating us, I thought, why in the world would the planet eat us if Hadley set off the signal to start the reject tribe. She was starting a tribe for all kids to join and I have a feeling it will be here long after she is gone. We popped out on top of stone pillars. Off the shoreline their were at least fifty kids. They all looked as confused as I felt. "Forest, everything is going to be okay," Lizzy whispered to me.

Hadley's POV
The signal was sent out that I didn't send out. The planet must have felt it was ready to send out the signal. I don't know why though. We didn't even have the jewel yet and that is the most important part of this mission. "Why are we clear up here?" Luke asked.

"That's how the signal was suppose to work," I explained, "When it was sent out Owen and I plus anyone surrounding us will come on top of the shortest stone pillar. When up here we we're to explain that the time has come for us unite the reject tribe."

Ailith, Florence, Forest, and Luke all looked at me confused. "How does it work that we end up here, Hadley," Florence asked, "Why here?"

"Here is the best place and safest place to start a new tribe," Owen started, "All the tribes in this area are peaceful. They all work together to help each other survive. They knew we were going to start a tribe for rejects in this area and they agreed to help get us started up."

"Today," I yelled, "is a new era for rejects. We've been kicked out from all other tribes and aren't allowed to join any because we didn't do something they liked. Well guess what they can't stop us from making a tribe full of our own kind. A tribe full of rejects. The Reject Tribe."

They all started cheering below us. The started shouting, "Rejects! Rejects!"

"All of you have been asked to join this tribe because others thought you should be apart of their tribes," Owen yelled, "You've said yes to join. Some of you have been waiting years for the tribe to start others just a few days. We are all equals though. The Reject Tribe was formed for people like you and me. People who've gone against tribe leaders. I've already got my council chosen. Yes we all equals but we need to have order to have a running tribe. We won't have a tribe leader we will just have a council. My sister Hadley will be the council member for food collection. My other sister Lizzy will be the council member for climbing. My brother Luke will be the council member of health. Evony, a long friend of mine, will be the council member for planet species recognition. Florence, a new friend, will be the council member of safety. Forest, another new friend, will be the council member for protection. I will help with anything I can. I just hope our tribe will survive. The council members of mine and I our on a quest right now to save the planet from it's fate of death."

Everyone started cheering even though Owen made most of it up on the spot. One thing I can't get off my mind is that Owen said that Luke was his brother. I don't know if he meant it figuratively or literally.

Florence's POV
"Owen, is that true," Hadley whispered to Owen, "Is Luke really our brother?"

"Yes Luke is our brother," Owen answered.

"Huh," Luke replied perplexed, "That can't be right I am a only child."

"No you are a kid from the story," Owen remarked as he started telling the story, "That one has four siblings. Most kids don't have a sibling at all. So why does this one have four no one knows. These kids don't know that they have a sibling. But most adults die after their second kid. What causes these people to stay alive? Was how they had their first kid at age 17 so the planet didn't kill them right away. Their second at age 18. Third at age 20 and fourth at age 23. Four kids one mission.  One thing isn't for sure if the parents fourth child has a twin. It is said that there could be a fifth but it is not for sure."

"How is it possible?" I wondered.

"It's possible because the story was told to me by my parents Eliza and Greg," Owen started, "They told me that the story was true and that I was one of the kids from the story."

I was still in awe when Owen jumped off the stone pillar. "What is he doing, Hadley?" I yelled.

"How else do you plan to get down there, Florence," Hadley yelled jumping off.

Lizzy, Forest, and Ailith followed them down. I wasn't for sure if it was very safe until I looked down and saw Hadley swimming to the shore. "Here goes nothing," I yelled jumping.

I screamed the whole way down until I was a few feet from the water and I shut up. I really didn't want to sallow a whole bunch of water. I don't think that would work out well for me.

Lizzy's POV
I couldn't believe I jumped from the stone pillar. I mean it is beautiful and all but really I could spend days climbing and jumping off the stone pillars. The area was set up in a circle. The stone pillars were in a circular shape, behind them was a beautiful waterfall, and bellow them was a huge lake. Nothing like the Great Lake though. "Forest, how cool was that?" I screamed popping out of the water.

I was drenched head to toe by the time I got to shore. "Lizzy, that was weirdly cool," Forest yelled, "I can't hear very well right now."

"Maybe because you have a whole bunch of water stuck in your ears," I giggled.

Forest tipped his head to the side and started hitting his ear. A lot of water fell out of the other one and he tipped his head the other way and looked at me. "Can you help me?" he asked.

I went over and hit his ear. When I went to hit it the second time he pulled me in and kissed me. "Forest," I whispered, "I don't think this is the time or the place for this."

I didn't realize how badly I wanted him to kiss me until he did. I pulled away only because I knew it shouldn't be happening right now. My sister is going to have to kill the person she loves. I just found out I have another older brother and one more sibling. My new older brother has tried to kill Hadley and I. I don't know if he did it for nothing or to save his own life. I really don't know which one he did it for. "Owen," I called pushing through the crowd after I left Forest.

"Lizzy, over here," he called out to me.

I went over to Owen and exclaimed, "You did it! You started a Reject Tribe after so many years."

"I know," he smiled.

Hadley was coming this way trying to get through the crowd but people kept stopping her to talk to her. They all must remember her from when they met before all this. She kept telling them that they would make groups later on who will be doing what. When she finally made it to us she was out of breath. She came up and hugged us. We stayed like that until the planet ate us again and we popped out on top of the tallest stone pillar. Luke, Owen, Hadley, a person I didn't know, and I were all up there. We all looked around confused.

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