Chapter One: Capture?

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Hadley's POV
“Hadley,” my brother yells.

“What?!” I hollered back but I’m pretty sure I already knew the answer.

“What are you doing in the tree?” He asked.

“Looking at the view, Owen,” I said even though I was actually looking for a Fanapple, a sweet caramel treat.

The view was pretty neat though. Plus I was sick and tired of trying of looking for people to form a so called Tribe. Whatever that is. “We need to keep moving I got a really good feeling we’ll find someone that will want to join us.”

“Okay,” I said reaching for the biggest Fanapple I have ever seen, “Give me a minute.”

That is when I see a hand reach out and grab it from behind the trunk. “Hey that’s mine,” I yelled, “Get back here.”

“What’s yours?” Owen asked, “Hadley?”

That’s when I see Owen start climbing up the tree. I didn’t care. All I cared about was getting my Fanapple back. I started chasing whoever got the Fanapple. I hope they aren’t as familiar with these treetops as I am. That’s when I see them turn and head straight to the cliffs. I go a little further then turn knowing I will get there first. I turn and got to the cliffs five seconds before the Fanapple stealer gets there. It was a boy about my age. “Give me my fanapple back,” I said.

“Grabbers keepers,” the boy said, “Watchers weepers.” “Where’s the tribe when you need them,” he mumbled.

“Give me the Fanapple and you won’t get hurt,” I said, “If you don’t,  say hello to a broken leg and no fanapple.”

“What’s you gonna do?” He asked, “Your just a girl and I bet I am stronger than you.”

That’s when I had it. I’ve been told not to do things just because I am a girl. But I’ve had it this time. “GIVE ME THE FANAPPLE,” I yelled.

I jumped and grabbed onto the branch above me and sung as hard as I could. I went flying towards him and hit him square in the gut. The fanapple went flying and I caught it. The boy went tumbling over. He was about to fall off the branch until I grabbed the back of his shirt. “Why’d you do that?” He asked, “You could have just let me fall and keep the fanapple?”

“Because all I wanted was the fanapple,’’ I answered, “I didn’t anyone to get hurt. Bye.”

I started eating the fanapple heading back to Owen. He isn’t the best in trees so I knew he wouldn’t be that close to me. “Wait come back here,” the boy said coming after me.

I didn’t want to waste anytime getting back to Owen because I already knew that he was going to be mad at me. “What Tribe are you from?” The boy hollered

I barely heard him. I ran right into Owen almost falling out of the tree. “Hadley, don’t do that again,” Owen said.

“Okay,” I said biting into the Fanapple.

Florence's POV
I thought to myself where in the world had a girl learned to do that stuff I couldn’t even do that if he tried. I was still running after her but couldn’t find her. That’s when I heard her voice. All he I really wanted was to figure out how to do what she did. I followed her voice and found her sulking away following someone but still eating that fanapple. “Hey you girl,” my Tribe leader said calling up from below the trees.

“Hadley, what did you do,” the boy in front said.

“All I did was take my fanapple back from someone who stole it,” she answered.

“Well I think the guy you stole it from is in a tribe,” The boy said, “So RUN!!”

“No point in running my boys will catch ya,” Gredad said.

“I don’t think they will,”the girl hollered.

She started running through the trees kicking down people along the way. “Florence,” Gredad yelled, “Get her.”

“Okay,” I said not really wanting to.

“Hurry,” Gredad said, “Good job Luke you caught one of them. But you guys need to get the Ninja Tree girl and fast.”

Luke, the others, and I all started chasing her. “Hadley, Keep running,” the boy said.

Hadley's POV
I continued running as hard as I could in the trees shoving the boys down as soon as they got to close. “Sorry,” I hollered every now and then.

I just kept running. I Knew the trees as well of the back of my hand. “Stop her you idiots,” yelled their Tribe leader.

I took  a bite of the fanapple every now and then. Somebody threw a net down but it fell right behind me and hit one of their own people. “You’ll never catch me,’’ I yelled.

“We will if I have any say in it,” yelled a boy.

I Jumped out of the trees and rolled on the ground knowing that it would probably give me more cover and a headstart. I turned and headed back towards their leader. I knew that it would be a surprise to them. I turned the corner and ran right past the Tribes leader. “What the Heck!!” he yelled, “get her.”

“Not happening,” I said climbing back into the trees.

I ran into someone when I reached the top and started falling to the ground. I didn’t have enough time to think what to do next. Then someone grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me up. I knew that I was caught. I struggled and tried to get out of their grasp but it wasn’t working. The boy is definitely stronger than me. “Stop struggling or you’ll hurt yourself,’’ he said.

Florence's POV
Luke held onto her as tight as he could not wanting her to get away again. “You won’t get away with this,” she mumbled.

“Luke, bring her down here and don’t let go of her,” Gredad demand.

“I won’t,” Luke answered.

Luke jumped down from the tree. The others started coming back now. She continued to struggle trying to get away. Luke twisted her arm back. She screamed out in pain. She already started twisting around trying to get free. SHe jumped and landed right on top of Luke’s foot trying to get free. She got free but Luke tackled her down to the ground. “Hadley, stop trying to get free you won’t,” said the boy we caught earlier.

“Fine,” she mumbled.

Instead of still walking sat down and stopped struggling, but wouldn’t move. “Florence, go help Luke carry her over here,” said Gerdad.

I walked over and helped Luke carry her over to Gerdad. We got over there and dropped her on the ground. “Tie her hands and feet, Florence,” Gerdad said.

I tied her hands and feet so she couldn’t get away. I walked over to Luke and asked, “What do you think he’s going to do? He’s never wanted us to go after someone before.”

“You idiot,” Luke said, “Did you see how she was in those trees?”

“Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?”

“Gerdad gonna want her to teach him and us how to do it."

Hadley's POV
When my hands and feet were tied I knew there was no way to get away now. So I whistled as loud as I could. “Why’d you do that,” the leader asked.

“No reason whatsoever,” I lied.

“Guys pick her up and get her back to camp,” he said, “I have a feeling we don’t want to be here when whatever that thing is gets here.”

Just then Flana came running this way and jumped on my lap. “Good girl,” I said.

“Hurry up,” the boy demanded.

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