Chapter Four: A Lost Sister Found

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Florence's POV
We started traveling the next day right before the sun came up. We had Owen carry her first. We went to about noon before Gerdad said it was time for a break. Just then Hadley started calling out to someone but she was still unconscious. “Lizzy,” she called out.

“How does she know that name?” Owen mumbled with tears starting in his eyes.

“Who is Lizzy?” Gerdad demanded.

“Her older sister and my little sister,” Owen said crying.

“I thought most adults could only have two children,” Luke said.

“They do,” Owen said.

“Then How do you have two sisters?” I asked.

“Lizzy was born three days before Hadley,” Owen explained, “Lizzy was supposed to be her twin. I’ve never told anyone about Lizzy.”

“Where is she then?” Gerdad asked sounding interested.

“Lizzy for all I know is dead,” Owen said, “She ran off when she found out where I was trying to take them, and that was ten years ago.”

“Wow,” Luke and I said.

“Well let’s keep moving I would like to be there before dark,” Gerdad said.

Lizzy's POV
I was being carried by someone. There were three other people I couldn’t recognize any of them. They must be taken me to their camp. I hope they are one of the nicer tribes. Not one of the ones that will try to kill me just for coming to near to their camp. I notice when I get to their camp that it’s an all boys camp. “Terrance, what you got there,” a boy asked.

“A crazy skilled runner and climber,” Terrance said, “I think it’s the tree ninja girl Gerdad was talking about.”

“Terrance, Gerdad left with her and her brother early this morning heading to the mountain,” the boys said, “We should keep her anyways. Gerdad wouldn’t mind another person teaching him crazy skills.”

“She looks just like the girl Gerdad is looking for, Cam,” Terrance replied, “Well go put in the boy Owen’s cage for now.”

I jumped like a snaketooth and kicked him straight in the gut making my move kick. I pulled out my vial of Tigerhope poison and position in the boys moth so if they tried anything I could poison their friend. “Which way did Owen go,” I demanded to the boy named Cam, “Or he gets Tigerhope venom.”

“They headin’ to Hope Mountain,” Cam said shaking, “Hopin’ to heal the Hadley girl.”

I ran to the direction the boy was pointing and ran as fast as I could. I needed my family back or else I don’t know what to do.

Florence's POV
“We’re about a mile out,” Luke informed.

We’ve been walking all day and the sun was about too set. “How long will it take to heal my sister,” Owen asked.

“About 1 day at the most,” Luke said, “Unless the planets already started.”

There was a sound in the leaves and we all stopped. We didn’t know what it was but we've learned to stay calm and silent whenever you hear anything. Especially since it’s almost dusk. Nothing good happens around this time of days. We’ve lost at least 50 boys around this time. That’s when a girl jumped from the tree.

Lizzy's POV
I jumped from the tree and found Owen holding a girl over his shoulder. He looked worried sick and like he hasn’t slept for a day. “Boys CODE 567,” a boy yelled.

“Don’t,” Owen said, “Lizzy?”

“Owen,” I said sobbing.

I dropped to the ground. Owen put the girl down and came and hugged me. “You’re alive,” he said.

“This is my mission and you will not stop me from killing this girl because I lead these boys,” a boy said, “Florence, pull him back and, Luke, Tie the girl up. We’re almost to the mountain so hurry.”

The boy named Luke started to do what he was told but the other didn’t. “No,” he said.

“You’ll abide by me,’’ said there leader, “Or you’ll become a reject.”

“I’ll rather be a reject then pull Owen from his sister,” Florence said.

“Florence, listen to him,” Luke whispered, “You’ll never survive being a reject.”

“I will,” Florence said, “I’ll be the first person to apart of the reject tribe. If you do kick me out.”

“You’ll never survive because it would only be a four person tribe causing you to be a big target if other tribes were to find out about you,” The leader said, “Let’s just get to the mountain before it’s completely dark and we can’t see.”

“Lizzy,” the girl mumbled.

“Who is she?” I asked Owen when we started moving.

“She is our sister Hadley,” Owen replied.

“Hadley,” I whimpered, “I thought she was dying.”

“She was but she miracles got healed,” He answered, “I thought you were dead.”

“Well I am alive at least,” I said, “I shouldn’t have ran away from you.”

I started to cry thinking of all the things I’ve seen. Then I thought of how no tribe wouldn’t let me in when I was younger. But now I didn’t care at all. We continued walking until Luke yelled, “The cave is up ahead just a few more minutes.”

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