Chapter Six: A Speaking Planet

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Florence's POV
When Hadley woke up I wasn't worried anymore. The planets crystals started growing brighter with her awake. The first person to get to her was Lizzy. Even though Lizzy knows she won't know who she is. She still goes.

The brighter the crystals the more awake Hadley became. She was still shaking because of the planet speaking. Tears were streaming down her face from how scared she was. "Hadley," I asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she whispered, " I guess.''

She was very pale. She started giggling again. I can't believe the giggle beetle's juice is still in her. "Why is she still giggling?'' Gerdad asked.


I repeated what the planet it said to the Luke, Gerdad, and Owen. Hadley was still shock up from the planet talking. She stood up and feel to the ground. "Hadley, you are not completely healed you need to stay on the crystal bed," the planet said.

Hadley's POV
"Fine," I mumbled, "Can you at least give me something to eat?"

"Yeah," Luke said, "I have a little food.''

"Not you, Dumbo," Lizzy said, "The planet."

Just then the planet started growing trees in the cave from every direction. There was almost every type of fruit. There was a Kapinples, fanapples, strayberries, and more. Most of them were my favorite fruits. I picked a spiky looking fanapple. When I bit into it juice came spilling out of it. It tasted like a strayberry and a pearmis juice put together. "What is this?" I asked.

I handed it to Owen and he took a drink. "That is a pearmis and a strayberry grown together," The planet said, "It was to thing I was experimenting with."

"What are you going to call it?" I asked.

I still couldn't believe I was talking to my planet. I felt like I was connected to it somehow. Like the planet has been waiting to connect to me. "I don't know. Why don't you and your friends name it," the planet said.

"We get to name the fruit," I said excitedly.

"We should name it after me ," Gerdad suggested.

"No, we should name it after the tribe," Luke suggested.

"We should name it Nalpon," Owen said, "After our moon."

I quit listening to their suggestions and looked at Florence and Lizzy. "What should we actually name it?" I whispered to them.

"We should combine the two fruits it is made out of," Lizzy answered.

"How 'bout a pearberry," Florence said.

"That's actually a good idea," I answered, "I think it is perfect. Do you like it, Lizzy."

"Yes," she replied.

"You three idiots," I yelled, "We choose a name and it was none of the ones you suggested."

"What is it then?" the three of the asked.

"Pearberry," Lizzy answered.

Lizzy's POV
"What kind of stupid name is that," Gerdad said.

"One better than the one you guys suggested," the planet grumbled.

Hadley started laughing at that. "What in the world are you laughing 'bout?" Luke asked.

"She's laughing at the planets comment about your guys name," I said.

Florence started laughing also. When he started in I couldn't help but start to giggle. Gerdad eyes were full of anger. "WHY DO YOU GUYS GET TO HEAR AND SEE THE PLANETS TRUE NATURE AND WE DON'T?" he yelled charging towards Hadley.

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