Chapter Fifteen: The Star

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Hadley's POV
I circled back to the waterfall and climbed a tree. I got up in the tree and tied myself to it. I should know what is going to happen. I’m going to die and Gerdad will be the one to do it. Just like he always wanted to. “MARNIK,” I yelled, “I need help.”

I sat there and listened for the planet’s reply. I fell asleep after about two hours. When I woke up it was morning and the rope came loose. My night terror was starting to come true. I was going to die today. I jumped out of the tree and started towards the waterfall. When I got there I heard rustling in the leaves. I darted to a tree and started climbing it. “I KNOW YOUR HERE, HADLEY!!!”

I started to tremble I knew he was here to kill me. He’s already killed everyone else, Owen, Florence, Lizzy, Flana, and Forest. I was the only one left for him to kill. The planet won’t even talk to me. “HADLEY, COME DOWN HERE. I KNOW YOUR IN THE TREES. COME OUT AND I MIGHT SPARE YOUR LIFE IF YOU GIVE ME THE STAR, DARLING.”

I knew he was lying, he’s already tried to kill me twice. If that wasn’t enough he had Luke hold me as he killed my family and friends. He even killed Luke when Luke let me walk free. “Give me a minute please.”

I started to climb down the tree. I have nothing left to fight for anyways. Everyone gave up on me. There’s nothing for me in this world. When I got to the ground I started to walk towards where Gerdad was standing. “There’s nothing left in this world for me, so just kill me.”

“Now why would I do that?”


Gerdad pulled the blade out that he killed everyone else. I was hand him the star when I heard, “Hadley, don’t do it.” I saw them running this way.

I backed away and looked Gerdad straight in the eyes. “You won’t kill me and I won’t give you the star,” I yelled, “this night terror won’t come to be.”

A bright light came shining around me. The star started to lift off my neck. “I killed them, Hadley,” Gerdad yelled, “there not real.”

“Yes they are,” I screamed, “you’ll never get this star even if it kills me.”

The light continued to get brighter. The star was still floating around my neck. I have control and I control if I get killed.

Lizzy's pOV
When we yelled Hadley’s name she started to get sucked into a ball of light. The light kept getting brighter. I started to run faster towards Hadley. “Lizzy, stop,” Owen demanded, “you can’t touch the light it will kill you. The star is connecting to her heart and mind.”

“Why?” I asked.

“It’s the only way she can find The Jewel of Marnik,” Owen explained, “without the Jewel the planet will die.”

I looked up to see Florence reaching into the ball of light for Hadley. “Florence, don’t,” I screamed.

He walked right into the ball without dying. How is that even possible. There is no way he could survive that. “How’d he walk into the light?” I asked.

“Hadley will have to kill him to get to the Jewel,” Owen whispered, “but don’t tell her. She’ll know when the time is right.”

I continued to stare at the light. I was waiting for it either to go away or for Hadley and Florence to walk out. If they don’t walk out I don’t know what I would do. I’ve only known my little sister for two weeks and I’ve died once.

Florence's POV
I don’t know why I wanted to walk into the light so bad but I knew it would kill me. I kept walking anyways though. When I got through the light Hadley was floating there with her hair floating up. The star was floating up off Hadley’s neck and they were talking to each other. “Hadley, you’ve been chosen from millions of kids on this planet to restore the heart,” the star started, “you are one of thousands to get chosen. No one else has found the heart and replaced it. The planet is dying, Hadley, and it’s your mission to find and replace the jewel. I know you’ve heard of the Jewel of Marnik. Your brother and parents both knew that you were born to find it. You’ve been trained your whole life to complete your task.”

“Whoa,” I exclaimed.

“Florence,” Hadley shouted, “your alive.”

I started walking towards her when the star yelled, “STOP!!! Don’t come any closer. If you do you could die.”

I stopped in my tracks and looked up at Hadley. She looked away from me. “What else do I need to know?” she asked.

“You need to know a bunch more,” the star explained, “but we can’t talk now. I need to recharge and your friends are out there fighting off Aloisia’s tribe. She’s coming to take you.”

The star just stopped talking and disappeared into the pouch around Hadley’s neck. Hadley dropped to the ground. I rushed over to her to help her up. When I got her back up to her feet Aloisia was rushing over here with a sword pulled out. “WHERE IS HE?” she yelled.

“I can’t tell you,” Hadley whispered, “I promised him.”

“He wouldn’t want to stay away from me,” Aloisia whimpered.

“He does because he doesn’t want you to get hurt.”

“Where is Jacin?”

By that time Aloisia was crying. She must really love this Jacin kid. Hadley looked as if she was about to murder Aloisia.

Hadley's POV
I can’t believe Aloisia was actually. If I could tell her I would, but I can’t break a promise. There’s no way and every time I do I have a night terror that is horrible. Now I can stop night terrors from happening if I try hard enough. I don’t think I can do it very much. “Aloisia, if I tell you I will die,” I whispered, “you won’t kill me until you know where he is.”

“I will,” she replied, “if I have too.”

“Aloisia, I am suppose to tell you this if you ever try to kill me,” I whispered, “Let your heart be your compass. I don’t know what is suppose to mean. He said you would know.”

“Oh I should’ve known,” she replied walking away.

Marnik: The Lost Jewel of Marnik-✔CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now