Chapter Twenty Four

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"Boarding Flight 120. Boarding Flight 120, Gate 17"
The intercom went off.

My mother, and I took our bags, and rushed trying to find gate 17. I mean jeez, it seems like they always put your gate at the very end, like how convenient is that. I had my Starbucks coffee in hand, and my mom had a breakfast bagel.

We finally arrived at our gate, and gave the man our plane tickets, and headed on the plane. My mom sat away from me towards the front of the plane, and I was towards the back. My whole entire life of being on a plane, I never sat away from my mother. I was like a little child, I never could be apart from her.

"Hello!" A very handsome, young man said. Sitting next to me, and placing his bag under the seat. He had a British accent.

I was on the window seat, and he sat on the aisle seat. I was hoping no one sat in the middle, just because I like having my space, sometimes I even tend to put my legs on the middle seat if it's open.

I was about to put my Air-pods in when the young man said "I'm Noah."

I turned to look at him, in shock. I mean no one really talks on planes.

I smiled politely. "I'm Luna. Nice to meet you Noah."

"Sorry for intruding, or in anyway maybe making you uncomfortable. I just wanted to introduce myself. I think you're really pretty." He said smiling slightly, and looking away nervously.

"Oh." I got caught off guard. No one really has called me beautiful or any sort of compliment before besides Liam. Oh shit. Liam, I slightly forgot about him for a moment.

"Why thank you! That's very sweet of you Noah." I said smiling back and putting my Air-pods in and playing music. I get awkward with random strangers who try to make conversation, especially on a plane. Ugh. I can see from the corner of my eye, Noah was writing in a journal or something. I didn't want to completely look, just in case he tried to speak to me again.

A few hours passed, we were about an hour away at this point. I looked out the window, and you can only see a bunch of clouds. It was the ending of December, and I bet it wasn't even slightly THAT cold in California. It rarely got cold here, I wish it snowed sometimes.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I removed my Air-pods. Noah was staring at me, and handed me a water.

"Hey! Sorry to interrupt, but they came around with drinks, and I didn't wanna bother you admiring the clouds." He giggled. "So I just got you a water, I hope that's okay."

I slightly smiled. "Thank you. Water is fine."

I grabbed the water, and put the tray table down. I had Hot Cheetos in my bag, and decided to eat those. "Want some!" I pointed the bag at Noah.

"I'm okay. Thank you though"

Hmmm. He was hard to figure out, he seemed outgoing, but also very shy. He was about 6'0 foot, and had long curly brown hair, with bright green eyes. When he smiled he had one dimple on the left cheek. Or maybe that's all I noticed.

"Hello Everyone. Welcome to California. We will be landing in approximately 10 minutes. I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of their day. Enioy!"

I started packing up my things, and was so ready to get off this plane. At this point we landed. Everyone was gathering their stuff, and I got up waiting to exit the plane.

"May I get your number or something?" Noah laughed nervously. "If that's okay."

"Um.." I smiled nervously. I mean I wasn't dating Liam, like it wasn't a bad thing if I gave this guy my number. It's not gonna hurt anyone. Worse case scenario I just won't respond if he texts me.

"Yeah!" He handed me his phone, and I punched in my number.

I could see my mom waving me down, at this point. Noah backed out of the seat, and I went around him catching up with my mom. I turned around, and smiled. "Bye!"

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